Blaze the Cat

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Blaze shows up in the story, Ghost in the Maze.  I drew this because I don't draw her much.  She wears her hair down in The Diamond Series.  Speaking of which, here are the current plans for Team Diamond as of fall 2021...

SatAM Goes BOOM!

Gonna put together a live session to go through half of SatAM Goes Boom!  Because of the way it's formatted, it's a longer story when performed.  We have gone through it twice over the last year and both times, to get through the whole thing at once, took nearly two hours.  So I'm gonna break it up so we don't rush. Each session may still end up taking two hours but at least this way we can take our time with it and not speed through it.  Once we complete the session, I'll reach out to the actors for any needed retakes on their lines.  

For Shadowless World, our Shadow (played by JoshJargon), made the very, worth-while effort to redo Shadow entirely per my request.  Not only was this a huge commitment to the character but wow, the performance he gave in round two was so confident and strong!  Definitely give Shadowless World a listen if you have not!  I am so proud of it, and everyone who was involved!

Chapter 8 of Diamond in the Sky (on hold but will likely come out at the end of the year)

So I'm taking a little break from Diamond in the Sky for two reasons, one is that we have another actor playing Silver and I want to workshop the character with him before we move forward.  LeviVA plays Silver for most of DitS and all of Infinite Sadness.  We cast "Ghost Silver" to Aura Dominator.  It's technically two different Silvers, that do eventually become one in Ghost in the Maze.  Next reason for the break is because this time last year, we started working on Infinite Sadness but for various reasons, we had to stop.  I want to focus on Infinite Sadness for a bit since it's been on the back burner for a year now.  I wanna give it the love it deserves.

Infinite Sadness: Part 1 (Chapters 1-4)

I'm still gathering up all the voice work but once I have that, I will be able to mix Part 1 together and I'm looking forward to sharing it during Winter Season.

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