Uh oh, Sterling got called a b*tch.

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So Raven called Sterling the b-word for ya know, acting like the b-word.  Here's her response...

Omg, so like, Raven punched me in the face and called me a you know what for getting all uppity about her dad taking over the headspace.  I mean, I'm jealous okay?  GAWD!  And I know I'm a cow about it because I have low self esteem so cut me some slack.  

Ouch, my freakin' face!  That was a real punch too, not a wresting one.  Holy banana-strawberry smoothie with only 2 calories, that seriously hurt!  I don't know what I'm more upset about, being called a bitch for real, or being decked by a half demon girl.

I was thinking about challenging her to a duel and whoever wins, gets bragging rights and the other person has to sit down and shut up.  But both our dads shut that down so now I'm all alone in a corner, sniffling out of anger.  

It's hard being a girl.  I think when I was like, a dude, I cared about other stuff.  And now I'm all caddy.  I guess that's what makes me a villain.  But like, my mom said I need to start being nicer to be people.  And I was like, but mom-ah, I got kicked out of AEW for being too young and now I can only go to the parties and do dance offs and start trouble.  Speaking of AEW...

Raven totally LOST my Jericho Chao.  Yeah, like straight up lost it.  No idea where it went.  Ugh, so rude!  That, and Omelette keeps bothering Julia Hart and calling her Juliet and doesn't understand that me and Julia weren't enemies in real life, that it was all fake.  Oh and also, Omelette, she like, wants to kill me.  

So now she's following Patty on Tiktok.  And Patty says my Tiktok is the best but also, Slade made the top 5 for some reason.  And I don't know how I feel about that, because I don't think Patty knows what Slade did to Dante and I don't wanna be in the same boat as Slade per se.  I mean, I'm not THAT bad.  I wouldn't do something THAT horrible to anyone.  Not when Tikal is my mom.  I do have the ability not to be a bitch.  I could be nicer, I really could.  

Anyway, my mom decided to turn my dad's bathroom at work, into a Jack and Jill bathroom.  And the other side leads into the Devil May Cry shop.  So now my dad and Raven's dad are all suspicious of each other, so way to go MOM.  Jeez.  

Anyway, point never the less, I wanna try to stop being such a mean girl.  When I was a guy, no one called me mean.  But now, people are labeling me this way.  As a villain, sure, it should come with the territory.  But it feels like I'm dishonoring my mom by being so, ya know, icky.  I don't know anymore.  But I will try to do better. 


P.S. Update, my cherished ho-bags...
I think I just turned heel.  Friends with Julia Hart now.  Forgave Raven over the chao.  Gonna go jerk some more chains.  Julia and Raven, wanna come with?   

Raven: You turned face, not heel.  Also, I don't think people were offended by the things you were saying.  That would imply that they were listening.

Oh, well shit.  Haha!  I guess I just went face!  Too funny!  Let's make a faction, the three of us.  We can be the Demon Daughters.

Raven: We became friends after I punched you in the face.  You sure you're not a guy?

Are you a guy?

Raven: No.

I'm sure.  Blaze, oh my GAWD, what are you doing?  Did you lend him your theme music??!??!

Worry not.  Team Diamond still has lots of content hanging out in post.  The Diamond Series ain't going anywhere.  There's plenty of room in my heart for the Shadow Senpai Party.  My Sonic OC needed to be humbled and is now canonically stepping aside for Dante.  And by canonically, I mean in my head.  She just needed a good punch in the face.  Meta AF.

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