Speak with Your Heart

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First off, this version of Speak with Your Heart is my favorite song right now.  It keeps me going.  I just love Sonic so much.  I tell you, I have tried all kinds of "spiritual remedies" for dealing with life, and I always find happiness in my nerdism for Sonic.  It's how I met my future husband, by writing the Diamond Series and taking a risk and casting for it online.  Forget dating sites, lol, just write some fan fiction.  Haha, just kidding, that's just what worked for me.  Kind of a crazy story really.  

I have a dream of seeing Bentley Jones in concert and getting my picture with him and telling him how much Dreams of an Absolution means to me.  Also, I love Shadow.  Yeah yeah, I know, everyone does.  But he was the main motive for the Diamond Series.  I just had so much to say about him.  And then I fell in love with Silver and Infinite.  The fan theories for Zero are amazing!  And omg, the fan art.  I know Sonic gets a lot of flak for some of the raunchy fan art out there, but seriously, the good outweighs the bad.  I never knew the joy of fan art until I started drawing Sonic stuff.

Anyway, take a listen to this track if you're having a rough time. It will help.

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