Sterling's Story...

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Warning, this-here OC is about to go on a tangent.  Read at your own risk cause them's fightin' words... (also, if you just want the vibe, watch this killer dance video, good fun)...

Hey Bitches, it's me... STERLING!  So like, I'm a villain, like an uber, trash-talkin' QUEEN. And I know that ya know, my mom is Tikal and all, so I'm nice to the chao and I'm also a terrible liar.  But beyond that, I'm pretty sly.  

My father even accused me of having a problem with self-preservation, and we're talking Infinite the Jackal when we talk about my ol' man.  But yeah, being a reckless, Juicy Princess is my um, motto?  

I don't know but since I'm an echidna, I also have a fighting streak.  I make the prefect pro-wrestler... ya ho!  Yeah, I called you a ho.  No, I call all my friends things like, "skank-bag" and "ho," I swear!  Pinky promise. (Remember I'm a bad lair).  Anyhow, kisses or something, Black Doom is taking me shopping at the mall and I need to practice my dance moves.  

I get a real kick out of getting people of all genders to question their sexuality with my moves.  Tramp fo' life, holla for me, sluts.  

Omg, my mom is gonna be so mad if she reads this.  I know you all think Tikal is sweet and innocent but boy, you do not want to get on her bad side.  Yeah, so I'm rambling.  Also, her main issue with me is the pervs that eye-ball my androgynous curves. 

I'm such a brat, somebody come fight me, already!

Alright, well, if you're still here...

In addition to the The Diamond Series, I do plan to write a follow-up story, which will focus on Sterling. I want to take the idea of a Sonic OC and run with it in a self-aware way.  This story/character will also appear on my own Youtube Channel, the sister channel of Diamond in the Sky.  Sterling is my Diamond Series OC, here are some tidbits...

***Sterling is a guy but is voiced by me, a female. He is fabulous. The feminine type. 

***Sterling is a competitor in AEW somehow, even though it's an actual wrestling series in real life.  At first he started out in the men's division, but after loosing to Knuckles, he was moved to the women's division.  Then he walked is magical ass into the corporate office and demanded he be put back in the men's division, claiming that Knuckles being a better fighter doesn't alter anyone's gender. He is part of 2 factions, but just joined The Jericho Appreciation Society. That makes 3.  Sterling has semi-Anna Jay vibes...

***Sterling is the child of Tikal and Infinite

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***Sterling is the child of Tikal and Infinite.

***Sterling is a member of Jackal Squad 2.0.

***Sterling has a huge, unrequited crush on Shadow and describes Shadow's non-reciprocations as Love Kernels, often changing the words to the song, Love Kernels (from Crazy-Ex Girlfriend) to match moments with Shadow.

***Sterling has a stolen version of Cubot, which he repainted and renamed, Sugar Cube.

***Black Doom is convinced that Sterling is his granddaughter after refusing to accept Sterling's retcon, which erased Sterling being a child of Knuxouge.  In the erased story, Black Doom considered Sterling a Shadouge baby, out of hatred for Silver being his actual grandchild.

***Sterling's original story was accidentally erased by Silver on New Years Eve, when Silver mistakenly deleted "The Future File" on his computer, as an attempt to make room on his hard drive.

***Infinite and Sterling celebrated Sterling's 16th birthday by stealing Rouge's Cock and Balls Car from SA2.  She hadn't driven it for years and didn't want anyone to know she still had it hidden in a garage on the island.  Though being stolen from is not something Rouge normally tolerates, she held an unconscious, soft spot for her deleted child.  She also has a good working relationship with Infinite, being that he is a fellow mercenary.  So, miraculously, she let the car theft slide. 

Here's another video from that same dance troop that has Sterling vibes...

***Sterling's cousin is named, Dingo. He is the child of Zooey and T.W. Barker.  Zooey spent Dingo's whole life convincing him that his father was a heroic, Steve Irwin type, anthropomorphic dingo, who died tragically (cause of death is never consistent).  But Dingo is in fact, half fox and 1/4 jackal, 1/4 wolf.  He eventually goes to work for T.W. Barker, who figures out Dingo is his son, upon remembering a steamy one-night stand with Zooey years ago.  In the erased retcon, Dingo was the true child of Tikanite and was in love with Sterling.

(More vibes coming... as I headcanon that Sterling gets invited to the Hollywood Hunk's parties quite a bit... Also, there is a wrestler named Sunny Kiss who you might think matches Sterling, but the major difference is that everyone tends to genuinely think Sterling is a girl and ya know, Sunny Kiss is real.)

***Dingo is still in love with Sterling...  even after discovering they're technically related.

There is so much more but I want to save it for the story.

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