NEW FAN FIC: Devil May Cry x Teen Titans

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Wow, talk about a major shift.  We've gone from Sonic all day long, to this.  

Fandoms: Teen Titans, Devil May Cry
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, some comedy
Rating: M (language, violence, gore, illness)
Ships: None
Relationships: Friendship, Paternal
Themes: Love, Death, Magic, Demons, Father/Daughter, Healing, Trauma, Fantasy, Grief 
Similarities to The Diamond Series: Parental Exploration, Dreams and Surrealism, Mercenary, Fixation, Longing, Tenderness

Fandoms: Teen Titans, Devil May CryGenres: Action/Adventure, Drama, some comedyRating: M (language, violence, gore, illness)Ships: NoneRelationships: Friendship, PaternalThemes: Love, Death, Magic, Demons, Father/Daughter, Healing, Trauma, Fantasy...

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I'm really into Dante from Devil May Cry.  For years, I've also been really into Raven from the early 2000's Teen Titans animated series.  As mentioned in a previous post, fan fictions do exist that crossover these characters but that doesn't mean I can't add to the collection.  As of December 2022, I decided to write a story where these two characters meet.  I'm exploring a paternal relationship and what that would look like in the Titans universe.  Raven has serious daddy issues so that gives me a lot to work with.  Not gonna ship them.  I wanna work comfortably with the age difference.

I don't know if this will be a one time thing or if it will evolve into a series.  When I started writing SatAM Goes BOOM! I wasn't expecting to end up with 8 stories total.  So, we will see.   The Devil May Cry community is reasonably smaller than that of Sonic and Teen Titans but I hope to write Dante in a believable way, so as to be true to the character.  When the story is complete, I will set a posting schedule, as I did with The Diamond Series.


As far as creating fan art, this is something I would definitely like to include.  I'm proud of my Raven cosplay but I've only drawn her a few times.  I have never tried to draw Dante and I admit, I am intimidated by that challenge.  He is extremely realistic-looking and the fan art that currently exists of him is so painfully gorgeous and beautiful.  Crazy-impressive.  I would like to see what Raven and Dante look like in the context of this story though.  So, drawing them in the same space together has the potential to be a lot of fun.  I'm going to work with stills from the Titans live action series to get ideas.

  I'm going to work with stills from the Titans live action series to get ideas

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If you have never looked into Devil May Cry (because I'm assuming most people have likely watched Teen Titans)... I highly recommend it.  I'm playing Devil May Cry 3 right now, but 5 is the newest.  To give you a feel for it, it was created with the same engine used in Resident Evil.  The characters are really badass.  You've probably heard Vergil's theme, Bury the Light, as it's become a mega meme song.  I recommend checking out some of the cut scenes on Youtube.  It's just so dang cool, this series.  There's even a canonical cut scene of Dante dancing like Michael Jackson, for no real reason relevant to plot, it's just there.  Lol.  Dante is my comfort character. I may or may not have gone wild with a Pinterest board for him.  😍 Lordy!  My goodness!

  😍 Lordy!  My goodness!

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I could also go the potentially easier route of converting Dante into the Teen Titans style of art

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I could also go the potentially easier route of converting Dante into the Teen Titans style of art.  That could be really fun too.  I've been trying to visualize both options. 


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I am 23 chapters in and this will probably be my longest fan fiction.  Watch Dogs of the ARK is the only story in The Diamond Series with an M-Rating.  This story however, is much more intense in that regard.  Because I am working with much more esthetically human characters, I feel like I can take things up a few notches.  As with Diamond in the Sky, there are lots of sweet, intimate moments between parent and child.  I enjoyed writing the relationship between Rouge and Silver.  The challenge of making that work, such that it was conceivable in the Sonic Boom realm, was a lot of fun.   I listened to Bentley Jones' Dreams of An Absolution a lot while writing that story.  Speaking of which, here's a little magic for you!  Bentley also created this track for Devil May Cry.  It is what I am listening to when composing a Raven/Dante relationship.

Lastly... here is one of Dante's themes, my personal favorite.  Because I must share with you, how cool he is...

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