Eggman's XMAS Party Invitation

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A Funny Invitation from the Team Diamond Discord Server

Merry Christmas from Doctor Eggman,

You are cordially invited to the Villain's Christmas Party at my humble, evil lair... where we shall sip hot coco and celebrate all the heroes we've vanquished over the year. Bring a White Elephant gift, preferably worth no less than the tears of your enemies. The most ruthless bad guy of 2022 will be given the honor of dismembering Mayor Fink... a Christmas Tradition in the Eggman household.

This year, I've chosen Slade, who will be impaling the muskrat with the Devil Sword he stole from his brutally murdered protagonist. Don't worry, everyone will be provided a poncho for all the expected projectile of blood, as I am not a man who prefers a mess in my home. We will also be viewing Mayor Fink's repeated demise outside in the snow, after we build a snowman shaped like Silver... when he DIED in the TXP... such a fond memory!

Anyhow, no heroes allowed. And don't worry, I am nothing like that snotty, hotel manager from that subpar ski resort. If you've not killed anyone this year, you will be awarded a participation trophy, made from scrap copper I managed to hide from Zero all year long.

So come, be merry, be... evil. Also, a disclaimer of whose NOT invited: Barker, Negaduck, any of the Infinite Chao, Sonic (actually, Sonic, you can come if you want to).

I'm not big on the whole, "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Mankind" thing. How about we go with... Eggman's Empire shall rule over the Earth, Mobius, The ARK... and any other planets, underworlds, and dimensions relevant in this narrative.

Love Always,

Doctor Eggman

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