2014... a screenshot for every month

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In 2014 I was trying to get in touch with a "character" I created by making one vlog a month, sort of about "her."  I do still have the vlogs, which I originally posted on my Youtube Channel.  They won't be seen by anyone unless I can use them to tell a greater story about how this character turned out to be something darker than I realized.  I've since then, overcome what she represented or seemed to personify, but I think these screen shots are telling.  

They show me that 2014 was a struggle in ways I didn't realize at the time. In general, I honestly don't remember that year super well unless I look at pictures or make a pretty hard effort to think about what was going on during that time.  It can best be described like this: overworked, often tired, too many commitments, but I think I had fun sometimes.  I don't know.  I don't think I was happy but I can't tell.  I'm proud of myself though, I have kind feelings towards myself even though I didn't back then.

Since I would say the girl in these pictures was a character on purpose, I have to guess it was a rough year.  One thing that I do remember was how good it looked to everyone on the outside and around me.  I will say that my kitty always made me happy though.  He's a good boy...

January Note: I found some musical compositions I made for each month of this year as well, though it appears I did not create one for every month. I seemed to have only done about 5 months (5 tracks).

  I seemed to have only done about 5 months (5 tracks)

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