Sterling is what... a GIRL?!

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Okay, like so my secret got out...

I don't know how but like, um... yeah, so I'm actually a girl.  Me, Sterling... and um, sorry but I'm actually also only 14.  Some peeps goin' to JAIL.  My mom, Tikal, her eyes evolved into lasers, and I think she's slowly becoming Starfire. She's really pissed at all the people who have been perving on me.  And my dad, well he just banished the majority of Hedgehog Village to Null Space for the same reason.  So, ya know, I have like, issues.  Understandably.  

Dingo is the only person who knew the truth... and Sticks... and Black Doom.

Here's the deal. When someone (ehem, Silver) deleted the future and then restored it with me as the child of Tikal and Zero, he didn't exactly specify to my new parents what my birth gender would be, so I kinda got to use that for my own benefit, and tried to convince the world that I was a guy. Made me feel powerful I guess. I honestly don't know. I'm so confused! Anyway, I have a lot of therapy to attend now.  


Poor Sterling. Sonic OCs are often plagued with much drama. Indeed, I have definitively decided that Sterling is in fact, a female.  It appears her backstory is finally complete. I suppose this means she can start showing up in new stories that I write.  It helps to work on a character for a year or two.

  It helps to work on a character for a year or two

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Oh and P.S. My dad totally approved of me leaving the house in this outfit.  Though, I keep hearing a familiar snarl in the bushes every time someones complimented me at this party.  Yeah, I went to a party instead of therapy.

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