More bloggy/fanfic stuff

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I do think that looking at P.T. + Layers of Fear + Mortuary Assistant + Resident Evil + Left 4 Dead ...all kinda rubbed off on me.

I've taken Raven up a notch with the Underworld/demon elements, gave Slade some major obsession-murderer vibes, and threw a lot of trauma at the Sparda Twins.  That all works for Devil May Cry I think but yeah, not a fic for kids.  It's got some funny moments too and a lot of dreamy things that happen.  The Titans themselves, I think, can handle this kind of stuff, I didn't pull the tone so far from their universe that it's not believable.  Big pointer to the Mature tag though.  

If you're here because of my Sonic stuff, the only story I think this might compare to is Infinite Sadness.  I have tagged this story at the end of that fic, calling it, "Infinite Sadness on steroids."  There are some similarities for sure.  I may make a reading list with these two stories and call it, "Similar Stories" or "Dark and Scary" or something along those lines.  Or maybe I'll make a "Mature" list, though Watch Dogs of the ARK would go in there instead.  So, we'll see. This story also shares similarities to Diamond in the Sky, with an inverted relationship of father/daughter vs mother/son.

UPDATE: I watched the live action Titans series after I finished the first read-through draft of Devil in My Mind (by read-through draft, I mean the draft that received the first round of outside critique, not the first draft).  LOL! That show is so violent! Like to the point where it's almost funny. This gave me some ease about some of the gore stuff that the Titans witness in my fan fic. So it all kind of lines up. DC can be very dark in comics but I had never seen the Titans portrayed by actors this way. More thoughts about that in Raven's Work Book.

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