Chap 30 (part 2)

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"Well, I suppose we shouldn't be all that surprised to see you here." Jaime says to Wyatt as he barges in, fuming like a bull.

He glared at Jaime and notices me afterwards, his huffing melting into confusion.
"What are you guys doing here?"

"My sister's in labor, in case you haven't noticed." I say, gesturing at Julia, and testing Wyatt to see if he'll play along or be genuinely confused.
He frowns in confusion for a bit, but I suppose he realizes I have a reason for saying that.

"Excuse me?" Mrs.Karen speaks up, waving her hand at Wyatt

His face immediately returning to the red, vein-bulging anger he'd just had a moment ago. He excuses himself to me and walks past me to Kat's bed.
"Why did you called me here?" He asks, almost growling at her "Because I know what you're about to give birth to isn't mine. So you two had better have a good reason for blowing up my phone, I was in the middle of an extremely important meeting."

"Contain yourself, Wyatt." Karen says "you're speaking to a lady in labor."

"Jesus Christ.." he mutters, humorlessly as he rests his hands with his arms extended on the foot of the bed "you're about to become a mother and you still have your mommy speaking for you? This is pathetic." He looks away from Kat to look at her mom to say "And I'd hardly call your daughter a lady. She extorted thousands of dollars from me that could've instead helped me keep my family. So forgive me if I'm not minding my manners too closely, Elaine."

I go to close the curtains between Julia's bed and theirs as Elaine and Kat start yelling, the last thing Julie needs right now is to be stressed out by someone else's bullshit but Wyatt yanks the cloth out of my hands roughly

"No," he says to me "the last thing I need right now is you thinking I've been fucking around and got some bitch pregnant. You're in the loop for this now , Harry Potter over there too." He gestures towards Jaime

"Great." I say, deadpan. I walk over to Julie, feeling like I've been less good than harm as far as stressors go. Butch is still there, supporting her as she inhaled in and out.
That moment the doctor walks in and looks around confused.

He starts mouthing numbers and counting us all before he says "Alright, there's two too many people in this room right now. Someone's gotta choose one person to leave."

"Mom go, my baby daddy's here." Kat says loudly, making sure I can hear.

"Whatever demon you've got in there isn't mine."

I ask Jaime "Where's Rosie?"

"Johnny's out with her, teaching her some game from when he was little." He explains slightly smiling "She seems to enjoy playing with him more than I realized."

"Well, he's the youngest among us. Makes some sense."

"Right then, I'll be right outside if you need me." He kisses my forehead and walks out

"Alrighty," the doctor says clapping his gloves hands together, through his mask I hear him say "I gotta check the dilations again."

Julia prepares herself again, as it's an invasive feeling that you don't really get used to, no matter how many times you have to be checked.

"Okay, Ms.Julia, it seems you're nine and a half centimeters dilated. You're gonna start pushing in a minute." He says smiling

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" She starts panicking again

"Julie, please I know this is huge but you've gotta realize, everything in your labor has gone perfectly without a hitch. And it's been a quick labor! You're gonna be great, please, try to remember this." I try to be reassuring, knowing nothing can really calm you down at a time like this.

"Jules, look at me." Butch commands
Her eyes are still glazed over in that far off gaze of absolute anxiety
"Julie," he repeats and she looks at him, with tears now running down her face
"You just have to do what they say, that's all. Don't think if you can help it."

"Okay, we have to take her to the delivery room now, only one person can be in there with her. The other has to wait here." Dr.Stable says

I step back "You go Butch, you seem to be a lot more help for her than I'd be."

"Julie, is that what you want?" Butcher asks

"Um...okay." She says, in pain and scared.

"Alright love, let's go then." He says, and they all get escorted to the delivery room

As I'm walking out I hear Wyatt say "Not so fast, I told you, you're involved in this now too."

"No she's not!"
"No I'm not." She and I both say at the same time

"I don't care what weird thing you still have to your ex-wife, this baby and I should be your only concerns." She says

"I agree." I say, still trying to walk out.

"See? Even she knows her place." She says, demeaningly.

"It's not weird, she's my wife." He says smirking at her

"Jesus Christ Wyatt, you're like a dog with a bone." I mutter exasperated

  "She doesn't even wanna be here!  Just let her go!" Kat demands

"It doesn't matter what she wants!"

"No, I guess it never does to you." I say snidely

He whips around to me and glares at me before saying "No! For example, if what you want is for our daughter to be raised by someone who has very suspicions charges being held against him in various countries, several different aliases, homes in Europe, Asia, South America and here, as well as a warrant for his arrest in Canada for aggravated assault, I'd say what you want in that situation doesn't really matter!"

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