Chap 3🔒

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"I'll follow you until you love me-"
*station change*
"Every step you take, I'll be watch-"
*station change*
"Can't get you outta my head-"
"Fuck it." I say, turning off the radio and connecting to Bluetooth to turn on Spotify. Songs on the radio seem to be a little too on the nose right now.
Anyone seeing me right now would just think I'm a massive creep. I'm in my car, outside my wife's apartment where she has my daughter in with some guy, and I'm sitting here just to see if she gets the flowers I sent.
I don't know who the guy she replaced me with is, so I've gotta step my game up if I'm really gonna get her back. I know I was a shitty husband and father but everybody makes mistakes. I've learned, I've grown. I know what I lost and I'm working to earn it back, I just need her to give me the chance to. I still love her, I don't think I ever stopped. I just lost sight of it, I dropped the ball. That's all. I don't think it's fair to have my entire life ruined because of it.
I just really miss her, and I think the best example of how good we are together is how perfect our daughter is. She's literally perfect. She's got my eyes and my hair, from what her teacher said she's really smart and sweet and polite. I've gotta have something to do with that. I know it's obviously because of how well Lucy parents her. I just wanna be able to hold my baby girl and apologize, and spoil her and protect her. Neither Lucy or Rosie deserve to be living in a place so small, they should be living with me. Clearly whoever the new guy is, he can't give them what I can.  They've just gotta spend some time with me, so Lucy sees I'm not the same stupid asshole I used to be.
*incoming call*
"Hey man, what's up?" I answer

"Hey man, you done being a creepy stalker?"


"Lucy invited me over, I see you in your car looking like you're gonna have an aneurysm."

"I'm not being a stalker, I just wanna see if Lucy gets the flowers I sent her and maybe see who the guy she replaced me with is."

"Sure, totally not stalker-ish. And she got the flowers yesterday. Her boyfriend actually signed for them himself."

"Oh, good. Maybe now he'll think she's cheating and leave."

"Not likely, considering Lucy was right there and explained the situation away. He knows who you are, dude. And he trusts Lucy and loves Rosie."

"Okay I get it, you're president of this guy's fan club and you're holding a meeting up his asshole as we speak. Could you at least tell me what his name is and what makes him so fucking special?"

"He loves Lucy and Rosie unconditionally, he's trustworthy, he's respectful, he comes through for them, he's hardworking, he's smart, he doesn't drink often, he's honest, he's considerate and frankly speaking Wyatt he's not a blithering man-child throwing a tantrum because another kid is playing with his toy even though he threw that toy away. She's happy with him man, and he's a good father to Rosie. Can't you just cut your losses and just be better for the next girl you get?"

"I don't want another fucking girl you asshole, I just want my Lucy and Rosie back. Besides, I've been with other girls, I always end up comparing them to her. No one ever measures up. It's not their fault, they don't know they have someone to measure up to. I'm sure their fine for someone who's never been with Lucy, but my standards are too high now and I can't just put someone else in the hole she left and act like everything's fine. I miss her, and I was stupid. I didn't know how good I had it, I know that now. I just wish she would give me a chance to prove that I love her and that I've changed and gotten better. And whether she sees it coming or not, one way or another I'll prove it to her and she'll love me again. She has to."

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