Chap 17🗣

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  "You don't fucking say Jen.." I snap at her "I can't imagine why you'd think bringing your brother here would be messy."

"Lucy, do you know this guy?" Frankie asks as he and Butcher point their guns at him and Wyatt points his back while Johnny's clenching a big stone in his hands like he'd throw it at Wyatt, which I wouldn't be against. 

"What're you gonna do with a pebble, Junior?" Wyatt condescendingly asks Johnny

  "Take out one of your eyes if my aim's any good, like it's been before." He snips, getting a chuckle from the other two boys

"What are these guys, you and Prince Harry's security guards?  Pretty shitty ones if they are, given the break in and everything." Wyatt ask

Butcher laughs humorlessly and rolls his eyes while Frankie and Johnny stay focused on him.

"Unfortunately for everyone here but him, yes.  I do.  He had nothing to do with the break in, but if you guys wanna kick his ass I'm cool with it." I say looking directly at him, momentarily forgetting my daughter's holding my hand.

"Gladly." Frankie says

"Lucy!  Please, he just wants to talk." Jen panics

  "This was the package you wanted to drop by me?!  He's dropped by on his own plenty of times, the best thing about moving was that he didn't know where we lived again, thanks for ruining that!" I say, the only thing holding me back is Rosie

  I look down at her to see her staring at the boys and Wyatt, tearing up.
I sigh and pick her up, taking her back inside.  As I walk off I hear Jen calling me but I go inside and call for Jaime.

  "That was a quick walk-" he said until he sees my facial expression "what happened?"

"Could you keep Rosie here while I handle things outside?"  I ask and turn around, not waiting for an answer

"Mami no!  Don't go, why're your friends pointing guns at your friend who was in my room?"  Rosie cries

"What?!" Jaime yells a little

  "Not Dreads, Wyatt.  I'll explain later." I say to Jaime before kneeling down to comfort Rosie for a second before heading back outside to the driveway and approach Jen.

  "Luce, please, seriously we're not hear to cause trouble, we just wanna talk?" Jen pleads

  "Don't keep in touch with his family Lucy, even Jen, she's his sister so she'll take his side when it really matters!  That's more or less what everyone was telling me but I still gave you the benefit of the doubt Jen, and this is what you do to me?!  I trusted you!  How could you do this!?" I yell

  "Lucy!  Don't yell at Jen, I convinced her to do this.  I wanted to talk to you and thought she might be able to help!" Wyatt says from his weird Mexican stand off with two large and armed men and a kid with a rock

  "You guys can put your guns down you know!"  I tell them

"Not till 'e puts his down first Dahling." Butch says

  Jen and I look at Wyatt till he puts his gun down.  Johnny takes the opportunity to throw the rock and nails him in the cheek.

"Oww!  You little shit!"  Wyatt shouts at Johnny, who seems pretty satisfied with himself. 

  I stifle a laugh and say "You guys go, I can handle things here." 

Butch and Frankie, still smiling about the hit Johnny got as Frank asks "You sure?"

  "Totally, enjoy the trip." I assure 

They walk off to the van with Dreads' corpse in the trunk and drive off.  Wyatt comes close to Jen and I and asks "Well?"

  "Put that thing away." I demand, gesturing towards the gun

"How do I know some ninja's not gonna come out of nowhere and try something?" He asks sarcastically

  "Anything a ninja would do to you I could do myself." I snipe back

He puts it away, rolling his eyes. 

  "Good, now you both can fuck off." I say, turning around.

Jen and Wyatt call back to me and I don't stop until I hear Wyatt shout "I'll sue for custody Luce!  I'll go for full custody, too!"

Everything gets quiet and Jen and I turn to look at him, Jenny looking shocked and a little pissed.  I however look back at him amused.
"Yeah?  What'll you tell the judge Wyatt? 'Hey judge, so I didn't want my daughter or wife a few years ago but now I'm kinda bored and want them back.  Thing is though, I signed a divorce and a pretty sucky custody agreement and now I'm sad because I'm not getting what I want.  Could ya help me?'"

  "Lucy I don't want to sue you, but I want my daughter raised by another man a lot less.  So just let me see her, let her know who I am!" Wyatt begs

"For what?  So when you get bored again and some racist or married whore shakes her ass in your face you can kick her to the fucking curb again?  No judge in their right fucking mind would give you even partial custody, let alone full!  So go ahead you little bitch, sue for custody.  See what happens."  I say, turning around and shaking my head as I do

  "Lucy I know you can't afford a lawsuit and you wouldn't let Mr.Bean in there foot the bill.  I'm not saying I wanna take her away from you, I just wanna know her." Wyatt insists

"Who says I can't afford a lawsuit?  What the hell do you know about my finances?"  I ask, insulted.

  "Last time I checked, I made a lot more money than you Luce.  Isn't that why you shacked up with this guy anyway?  So you could live in a nice, pricy place like this?"  He asks pointedly

  "Last time you checked was over three fucking years ago, last time you checked I hadn't even finished school or started working in my field.  Hell, last time you checked I was still working as a receptionist.  Though to be fair, receptionists make good money for us normal people who work for their living and don't have daddy bird feeding us our future jobs, so I could see how to you it wouldn't be making much." I snap

  "Lucy he doesn't mean what he's saying-" Jen buts in but I continue none the less

"As for why I got with Jaime, well that's a much shorter answer.  He showed me what a real man is like, what an adult man is like.  He showed me that he's every fucking thing that you are not." I said glaring at him up and down "Now both of you fucking leave before I actually do call security." 

Last I saw, Wyatt was looking towards the ground and Jen was looking at him with murder in her eyes.

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