Chap 23👁

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"Any luck on finding the investigator for the whole Jaime thing?" Jen asks, as I walk through the door of her place. Lainey and Mom are out bonding since Jen recently proposed to her.

"Yeah, I found this one guy that people seem to think is reliable." I answer, sitting at the dinner table

"What's his name?"

  "Aaron Masterson?  Matterson?  Something like that.  I'm not too sure about him but he seems like my best bet for the moment."

"How'd you find him?"

  "Army buddies recommended him to me, said he was perfect for dealing with more dangerous individuals since he had back up of his own and wasn't just a run-of-the-mill ex-cop who still had a boner for playing high stakes cops and robbers." 

She chuckles as she looks at me and asks "Have you been to work recently?"

I frown in confusion and say "No, why?  Did you need something from the office?"

"Uh, no.  It's just...well Wy, you're not lookin too hot.  You haven't for a while.."

"Harsh, why the sudden jab?"

  "I say this because I love you, but when was the last time you took a good shower and not just stood in your bathtub getting wet then getting out cause you figure that's good enough?  Don't deny it, you've done that shit since we were kids.  Or shaved even?" She asks with genuine concern

I shrug and look to the side

"And that beer gut."

  I look down offended and say "Hey!  Dude, I don't roast you on your weight gain.  Could you maybe ease up?"

"I'm just saying, Wyatt you're drinking a lot.  You're 29 years old, you were in the army.  I saw you drink at 9 am the other day on an empty stomach.  Doesn't that sound a little scary to you?"

  "What's your point?" I say defensively, not really interested in what she had to say by then.

"My point is, please start taking better care of yourself.  If you're really gonna take on a fight like this you need to be in the best shape of your life, in more ways than one." 


"Meaning, besides the working out, which we're going to be doing together by the way, getting ready for the wedding and all that, you're also going to change your diet and most importantly, you're finally going to take Lucy's most constant piece of advice and go to fucking therapy."

  "Oh Jesus Christ Jen, I don't need to do all that.  I just need my family."

"Yes, and part of getting them back is being able to keep them.  You can't do either if you can't even keep yourself from falling apart.

I look down, knowing she's right.  My decisions for myself went from bad to worse when Lucy left.  It was just so abrupt.  She completely disappeared, I had no idea where she'd gone and when I found out I was too embarrassed to go after her, like her dad had been right about me all along.

It's not like our relationship was all bad. Recently I've been thinking the most about some memories she's completely forgotten about, I'd bet. Us getting drunk on date nights and making really weird but really good midnight snacks. Or when I'd have a bad day and she'd be there with some kinda food and her chest to just lie down on and relax.  Or get on the couch with her on my lap, hugging me, holding me in her chest.  She was always so comforting, like a safe space.  A soft spot I could fall on.

  "So you think part of the reason she won't take me back is because I'm uglier than who she's with now?  You know Lucy's not the superficial type."  I say

"No you dumbass, I'm saying you're taking on more than you might think you are so you need to be as strong as you can be in every way.  Working out, eating right and therapy are sure ways to do this."  Jen scolds

  She's got a point, and I know it.  I think I've just...not enjoyed perse, but felt comfort in wallowing in self pity and all that comes with it.  Drinking, eating like shit, sleeping irregularly if at all, barely working.  Not like I need to but I used to be a borderline workaholic.  Lucy leaving affected me in more ways than I can even think of.  And Rosie woke up protective and paternal feels I'd never experienced before.

  "Okay, fine.  Maybe my body's been suffering recently and I could make that better.  So how do you propose we start on this, and how soon do we start going after the British Godfather?" I ask

  "I'm not totally sure, what I am sure of about is that you need to stop drinking effective immediately."

"Jen, that's a bit much-"

   "You're drinking for breakfast, it's really not excessive Wyatt."

"Ugh, fine.  What else?"

  "I'm gonna call this Aaron guy for you and see if we could meet up and if he's up for the task."

"What do I do until then?"

  "Maybe take an actual shower?" She smirks at me

I snort but do as she says.  It might help.  All of it might.  You know, mind-body connections and shit.

  I come out of the shower and finally smell like soap after longer than I'd like to admit.  Fresh clothes, smooth face, even changed my bedsheets.  I head downstairs to see Jen on the phone, speaking more formal than usual.

  "Alright, of course Mr.Mas-Aaron.  Ha ha, yeah.  Of course.  Thank you.  Goodbye."  As she hangs up "So that was that Aaron detective guy you were recommend.  He said he's very interested in seeing what this deal's about and that he'll meet you tomorrow at the "Simple Coffee" on 190 County Rd. 822."

  "How'd he sound?"

"Um, a little effeminate if I'm being honest.  Voice was a little high pitched, very floral vocabulary.  Really enthusiastic."

  "Okay, cool.  Did you tell him it was..delicate for anyone involved?" 

"That was one of the first things I told him, and he still seemed down to meet up." 

  "Alright, great.  What time will I be meeting him tomorrow?" 

   "He said he'll be there by 3:30 so you guys aren't crowded by the lunch rush."

"Great, awesome, uh, does he want to be paid upfront?" 

  "He said you guys will discuss everything tomorrow when you're in person."

"Okay.  Jen?"


  "Thank you for helping me with this Jen.  I really can't thank you enough, you don't know what this means to me."

She sighs and says "Rosie might not be my daughter, and I may not love Lucy the way you did or do, but they're still family to me."  She puts my hand on my shoulder

  I put my hand on hers and say "Let's get them back then."

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