Chap 21🤰🏽

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I'd just finished bathing Rosie when I saw their car pull up through the window of the master bedroom. Frankie, Johnny and Butcher has gone to check on Johnny's family a few days ago, and from the look on Johnny's face as he was getting out, it doesn't seem like good news.
I head downstairs and set Rose up in the kitchen with a coloring book and crayons and open the door to welcome them back.

I open the front door for them and notice they clearly haven't showered, but more importantly they'd brought a plus one.
A girl had come out of the van, and she was very pregnant.

"Hey guys." I say and open the door wider for them

"Hey Miss Lucy, this is my sister Julia. The one I was telling you about."
The girl was beautiful, Julia looked almost ethereal. An angular, long nose, thin oval face cloaked with long, silky-looking black hair, almond eyes with cinnamon coloured pupils and pretty lips with a soft cupid's bow. Where as all those same features made Johnny look somewhat fragile. She looked to be pretty thin, despite the belly that proved she was at least seven months pregnant.

"Just Lucy, Johnny. Hi Julia, I'm Jaime's girlfriend. Come in, you look like you're freezing. All of you." They all head in, Butcher and Frankie last, since they were carrying Julia's luggage. Most of which consisted of baby equipment.

"You should've told me she was coming, I have a ton of baby stuff from when Rosie was born." I comment

Butcher looks up and says "Yeah, in retrospect that would've been smart." as he drops the bags and shakes the snow off himself

"Christ girl, are you having triplets?" Frankie asks as he drags in the last bag of baby things

"I was supposed to." She said shyly, obviously in pain

Butcher and Frankie look at her, as well as myself. Johnny asks "What happened?"

"I forgot Jeff would be coming for dinner a few weeks ago. He told me he wanted some weird dish his mom always made but I'd forgotten. Baby brain. Anyway, it really pissed him off and he shoved me down off my chair and told me he was going to eat at someone else's place. A little later I started bleeding so I went to planned parenthood and they told me one of the babies' hearts wasn't beating anymore." She looked down, like she was ashamed to admit something she did.

"Honey you know that's not your fault right?"

"I just can't help but feel like if I'd just made him his stupid food we would've been fine. I don't even wanna know what he'll do when he finds out I left without telling him."

The rest of us look at each other and the boys say "Uh, okay. So where should we put her things?"

"I suggested to Jaime yesterday that Johnny and Julia could just stay here with us. We've got more than enough room."

"Where is he?" Frankie asked

"Garage, said he needed to blow off some steam."

Frankie and Butcher go to the back towards the garage and forget all about the bags so Johnny and I pick up the slack and take them and Julia up to her new room.

"Okay," I say, dropping the bag I held on the ground "This is where you'll be staying. I figured it'd be the best option for you, especially if you end up staying long-term, What with the baby and everything."

She looks at me with tears in her eyes and whispers "I still don't understand what's going on."

"Yeah, you and me both."

No one has given me any kind of update since they'd left, so now that I have Johnny alone with just his sister, I figure it's the perfect time to ask

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