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"No! Angie, Rose hasn't even asked about him. I intend on keeping it that way." hanging up the phone, I walk towards my three-year-old daughter and take her to the bathroom to wash up.
There's so many ways this could've gone, so why did this series of events cause it to go so tremendously bad? He didn't need to find us, we didn't need him. At all. Jamie's has taken perfectly good care of us when we needed someone, so he has no reason to try and weasel himself back into our lives, especially after what he said to me. Rincing and drying her off, I put Rosie in her pjs and bid her good night.
Once I'm down stairs, I pour myself a large glass of wine and some chocolate cake.

Suddenly after not showing even the most remote amount of interest, he wants to get back together and be a father?

Wyatt was never a good partner. He cheated on me, he lied to me, verbally abused me. Of course that all came around the time he started cheating because the guilt was getting to him but nonetheless, he did. When I told him I was pregnant, the first thing he did was accuse me of lying. Thieves always think they're surrounded by thieves, I guess. He had to stop when my belly started blocking the T.V. He didn't even show up to her birth, and when my parents and I got home he said "Why would I show up to the birth of a kid who isn't mine?"
So not only did he accuse me of lying, but also of cheating. When I found out he was cheating, I confronted him while he kept up a total bravado of not needing me and being more than okay with me leaving him. Meanwhile Steve told me he drank himself half to death that night, and every night for a while following that incident.  Either way, his pride won and he began insulting us. Telling us that he never wanted to see either of us again.  After I left I never heard from him again, probably because I didn't tell him where I was going and I forbade any of my family and mutual friends to tell him and I blocked his number. I don't answer unknowns either so I didn't ever hear him. After a while I heard he chose another girl and started hurting her too but I guess it wasn't as fun as toying with me. I heard from a mutual friend of ours that he broke up with her and started to drink even more then he already did.  Good for her.
Now, apparently he's feeling lonely or sad or something and thinks he can fill the holes in his life by winning Rosie and me back, which actually totally would fill those holes. Question is, would it be beneficial for me and, more importantly, Rose? No. The answer's no. Sorry we're not here at his beccon call, but I'm not letting my child be influenced by someone so toxic. He's done close to irreparable damage to me as it is, I'm not about to let the same thing happen to my baby.
I finish off my wine and cake, turn off Netflix and start getting ready for bed.
Once I'm in my sleeping shirt and in bed, I hear a knock on the door.
Peephole's too dirty to look through so I just open it, only to see Wyatt with a strange expression in his face and Steven looking both scared and angry...

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, obviously angry.
"Well, you kinda left me with no choice Luce.  May we come in?" Wyatt asks with a sickly sweet grin on his stupid face
  I began to say "no" but he pushed past me and came in anyway.
"And you," I say to Steven "You told him where I am.  How could you do that to me?!"
  "Well no, not exactly." he says looking scared again "he kept badgering me about telling him where you were but I kept denying him obviously, eventually he dropped it.  Or I thought he had, so we started drinking and for the first time ever he managed to stay sober longer then me.  I passed out and when I woke up I saw he was going through my phone, through my texts with you.  He got your new number down and saw how you texted me your address." he finished, still looking a little afraid.  It's not like I would ever hurt him, I think he's more afraid of me not wanting to be friends anymore, or getting really angry.
  "How'd he unlock your phone?" I ask

   "Don't know.  I think you can understand that I was angry and I tried to take my phone out of his hands but he decked me in the nose.  Before I could even say anything he said some shit like she's my wife, I deserve to know."
   Turning around I see Wyatt with a fat smirk on his face and all I can say is "you're a wild asshole."
  "Yeah and yet you still agreed to marry me, gorgeous."
  Steven just starts chuckling dryly and K laughs along with him.
  "I'm not laughing with you Wyatt, I'm laughing at you." Steve clarifies
   "As long as you're not still pissed off, bro."
   "That you invaded my privacy, deceived me, decked me in the face and made me look bad?  Yeah, I'm still pissed man."
   "You had information about my wife and daughter, and I was desperate.  What was I supposed to do?"
    "Respect that I didn't wanna see you, dick!" I butt in
   Both of them turn to look at me and Steven speaks up and says
"I tried Luce, I did my best."
   "I know Steve, I don't blame you."
"And me?" asks Wyatt, every hint of laughter wiped off his voice
   "You can go fuck yourself."
"Lucy, I need to be able to see my kid.  I'm pretty sure what you're doing is illegal." he says to me in an extremely serious voice
   "Actually, what I did was perfectly legal." I say with a small smile to a confused Steven and Wyatt with anger simmering just below the surface
"What do you mean perfectly legal?"
"I mean since you were in such a rush to get rid of us when you did, you were pretty hasty when signing papers."
   "Lucile, be perfectly clear right now." Wyatt demands
   "When you signed our divorce papers you also signed over your parental rights to me.  In their entirety.  You forfeited every right over Rosie." I clarify
   The look on Wyatt's face at that moment was priceless.  It was as if he'd had the wind knocked out of him, it was only there for a second as his face immediately contorted into rage
   "I didn't make you do anything!  You wanted us to leave you alone so badly well you fuckin' got it!  So quit whining and bitching at me like I wronged you!  If your situation is anyone's fault, it's yours!  And quit fuckin screaming, Ro is sleeping. " I snapped back, angry at his entitlment.
   "This can't be legal..." he sneers at me, for the first time his cocky façade chipping away
   "It's entirely legal and perfectly binding to exactly what you wanted.  Again, another benefit of you being so damn eagar to get me away that you signed anything that promised you that. Including removing any custodial right to Rosie.  You're no more than a sperm doner."  feeling satisfied and rather smug.
   "So this is your revenge, hurting our daughter by not letting her see her father?  I understand wanting to hurt me but why hurt Rosie?" He says
   "Oh now you're all concerned about Rosie?  Now when all of a sudden nothing else in your life panned out like you wanted?  Where're those girlfriends you had?  You know the ones you were cheating on me with?  Were they not as good at taking your shit as I was?  Or that fantastic fuckin job "building bombs" or some shit with your super important chemistry degree?  Or that incredible apartment you kept bragging about?   You don't just get to retake parenthood of Rose because you figure something has to go your way.  If anything, I'm protecting Rosie from such a malignant, toxic, and repugnant father whom only stopped his day drinking to fight the best friend he takes for granted and harass his ex-wife on a whim."  Not even bothering to tell him everything else he needs to hear.
   Wyatt looks down to the floor, refusing to look at either Steven or me, and instead decides my tile pattern is incredible and needs to be studied at this very moment. 
   I hear Steve quietly vote "I told you this was a bad idea and you wouldn't get anything out of it.  Now you've gone and upset Lucy, you're worse off than you started and you're never seeing your daughter until she's eighteen years old.  Can we leave now?"

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