Chap 15🤦‍♂️

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"Jen are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask my sister in the car while holding a death grip on the steering wheel

"You don't wanna sue for custody, it's kind of a slimy move for several reasons so I don't blame you, you don't think she'll listen to you if you try to talk to her and her boyfriend hates you and would only make your situation worse. Not even Stevie wants to help at this point since you went all stalkerish. What other choice do you have?"

"I don't see her car."

"Maybe it's just parked really far back. I think I see Jaime's, if not we can just come back some other time." She says getting out of the car and running over to the complex building door to press the buzzer.
She stands there for about two minutes talking to someone and runs back to the car with a confused look on her face.

"What?" I ask her

"Um, apparently she's moved?" She says confused


"What? That's what the guy who answered her buzzer said! Before you ask, it wasn't Jaime's voice. I would've recognised it."

"Did they say where they moved to?"

"Nope. I can probably find out though."


"Calling her and asking."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot things are a lot easier for you in that regard..."

"Yep." She says as she takes out her phone and dials her number

A few moments later she picks up and her perky tone picks up but there's something off. Jen puts her on speaker so I could listen too

"Hey, what's up Jenny?"

"Hey hon, uh, I wanted to drop something by you but apparently you've moved???"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry I didn't mention it, it was all pretty sudden."

"It's cool, so what happened?"

"Um, it's a lot but to keep it brief: someone left a creepy package in front of my door, it freaked Jaime out so he finally put his foot down about Rosie and me moving in with him."
I look at Jen with a worried look

"Oh," she looks towards me with pity while I just look down and think of ways to murder Jaime "wow, you guys are finally moving in together."

"Yeah, I guess it was a long time coming." She giggles

"Yeah, for sure, I'm mean, three years, it's about time."

"Ha ha, yeah. So what was it you wanted to give me?"

"Oh yeah, uh I'd rather keep it a surprise, know know how I love surprises." She immediately face palms, knowing that doesn't make sense in that way

"Ask about the package she got." I mouth at her

"What was in the package?"

"It was just a note, I don't even remember what it said. You can ask Jaime next time we see you."

"So what's the new addy so I can drop off the thing." She cringes, this isn't how she talks.

"Uh, yeah it's 4961 Count Rd, Tabernash. You okay? You sound a bit off."

"Yeah yeah, just one of those days.  Could you text that to me?"

"Aww, that sucks. Sure thing.  Okay, we'll I'll see you soon. Can't wait to see the surprise!"

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