i miss everything

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when i lied down,
i felt so cold
because i remembered the way
your hands traveled down my body,
under the fabric of my shirt
and warmed me
ever so slowly,
moments of yesterday,
came crashing back to me,
and tears wanted to stream down my cheeks
but i forced it not to
and just let myself feel more empty inside,
i wanted to say
with all honesty,
that i truly, deeply,
miss the warmth of your body,
the familiar strength of your arms,
and the feel of your hands on my bare skin,
i miss every moment,
every second,
every warmth,
every conversation during midnight,
every kiss,
every playful conversation,
playful ideas,
every quiet moment,
with you.

a hurricane of blues | poetry book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now