something i realized

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something i realized with bullying as i grew older is that they make sure they bully you first. they stomp on people they think are weaker than them because they wanted that feeling of boosted ego. of superiority. of that once in a lifetime spot in fame and fear. no one would dare criticize them in fear of being the next target. the thought of someone cowering in fear as their confidence slowly slips away sends delicious shivers in their spine. it's like they live for it. because they do. they bully first and show they have the upper hand in fear of getting bullied themselves. they project their cowardness and insecurities onto other people in fear that their own will be known by all and they will turn into the laughingstock of everyone.

they feel so superior and mighty high because in reality, they don't feel that at home, or in other places they love and thought that they belong. ironic, isn't it? a big, famous bully who is known and feared by students gets unnoticed at home. feels alone. abused. neglected. maybe at one point in their lives, they were the ones that got bullied so now they want to feel what it's like to make fun of other people. and so all their pain and insecurities, they project it to someone else so they don't have to carry all the burdens alone.

which is why it isn't too much to ask to be kind to other people because you don't know what they're going through.

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