i'm not envious

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are you envious
he's better than you ever were
a few years back?
are you envious of how
people flock around him,
adore him,
and like him,
because all your life,
you were always the one to beg people to stay?
are you envious of how
loved he is by his family,
that he has the things
you dreamed of having?
are you envious that
he has the support you've been craving your entire life
and that you have to work hard for yourself
because you don't have anyone to ask to?
and now you feel bad,
because all of the years you've spent together
you silently wished for all the good things in life to rain down on him,
because you've always told him he deserves all the good things in the world,
but how come you have the audacity
to feel so insecure
when it was you who wanted
for him to achieve his dreams and have the things he truly deserve?

a hurricane of blues | poetry book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now