Chapter 32. Anything.

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The queue here is endless. Every time you take two steps forward, security would push you back five. It was hopeless. But everyone was so hyped and motivated; groups of people would start singing a random song at the top of their lungs; and soon the whole crowd would start singing along boisterously. Part of me wanted to laugh my head off and sing along, but to be honest the inducement out here simply made me feel more and more agitated and anxious by the second. Overhead, hundreds of starts shine and wink above us. It's as if a huge leaden blanket has been lifted off the town of Manchester.

We've been queuing for nearly 2 hours now and the air is becoming crisper by the second. The lamp-posts cast a dull light on the crowd of people surrounding me, making it hard to spot Harry when he comes back from using the toilets in the busy café. I begin to panic a little as the queue starts moving again. My pulse begins pounding through my ears, making it hard to hear if he was to call my name. But soon enough, without even seeing or hearing him, my cold, empty hand is replaced with his warm one and our fingers are interwined once again, instantly calming my nerves.

"I got you hot chocolate," he says. His voice sounds huskier from the cold and it makes me shiver a little.

"Thanks," I say, taking the hot chocolate and it instantly warms my already-sweaty palms.

I take a sip of the hot chocolate and pop a few of the little marshmallows in my mouth. I like hot chocolate. It calms me somehow. And that's why, without even asking Harry had got me one. He knew me well. Maybe too well...

"Eerie, huh?" Harry says. 

I shiver and pull myself tighter into Harry's coat. I'd put the dress, earrings, heels and necklace he gave me on in the café bathroom. I looked great. Really. Even I can admit it. But I should've thought about how cold I'd be waiting in the queue.

Outside it's almost deserted now. All that stands behind us are probably only 5 people and security bars winding back and forth until it reaches nearly the start of the town.

We've reached the entrance now, probably only 2 places behind when I hear a familar voice call Harry's name. I spin around to see Nick. He stands there with his hands in fists by his sides, his eyes look distressed and his face pale.

"What's wrong?" I hear myself say.

"Hang on."

Harry disentangles his hand from mine and walks in and out of people before he can reach Nick. I'm forced forward towards the entrance and I begin to panic. I can't do this without Harry.

I call him, but my voice is strangled and blown away with the wind.

Just as the bored-looking lady asks for my ticket, I drop my half-empty hot chocolate and squeeze by the people behind me; I want to know what's going on. I jump over the bars and someone takes my wrist, helping me over.

"Brooklyn." For a minute I can't breathe. I can't blink and I can't feel anything. I'm numb. Harry never calls me Brooklyn. "Brooklyn."

"What?" I choke.

"It's Dougie. They... the police, they... they found his body." he says.

I'm met with the soft brown eyes of Haydn, then Will's blue ones. And I barely meet the eyes of Nick before Harry is right front of me, his eyes searching mine. For something. Anything.

Every pore in my body is filled with dread and anguished tears stream down Harry's face and he goes to take my hand. 

I pull my hand away and shut my eyes, squeezing my hands into fists, so tight I can feel my nails breaking through the skin of my palms. I silently beg my heart to keep on beating. I will my lungs to keep filling with air.

I know if I open my mouth even the tiniest crack I'd start screaming. I would just start screaming and I would never, ever be able to stop.

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