Chapter 33. I love you.

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It's dark now. I can just see the moon just peeping behind a cloud outside the window, casting a warm glow in the hospital room. The night's sky is scattered with twinkling stars and as I lie there, I stare at them, wondering if one of them is Dougie, looking down at me. I imagine the brightest one is him, but then it wouldn't reflect on himself personally. Dougie was shy and introverted, but he was always so confident with people. He'd probably be the biggest star, but not the brightest. 

I don't notice that tears had rolled down my cheek until I feel a finger brush them away.

I look to Harry, who's sitting on the worn brown leather chair beside me with his elbows rested on his knees. He wears a black beanie, probably covering up the tangled curls underneath it. He looks tired and pale. But he promised me he'd stay all night if he had to and that he wouldn't leave my side unless I wanted him to. He'd explained what happened; once Nick had delivered the news, I'd fainted. I'd fell onto the floor and banged my head really hard. I don't remember much, but as I fell, I remember hearing Nick, Will and Haydn's panicked voices and feeling Harry by my side in a second. I had that dream... and then I woke up and was told I'd been in a coma for 3 days. Anne, Robin and Gemma had visited and left a bouquet of flowers on the cabinet and each said a prayer for me. Mum had visited me while I was unconscious; Harry told me she didn't stop crying and that the nurse had to take her out of the room. And all the while I lay there, wondering what the hell was happening to me.

"Can't you sleep?" Harry whispers. He knows I can't, he just wants me to stop worrying.

I shake my head, wiping away the fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. "No..."

Harry sighs and sits up. "I have to tell you something..."

I nod. "Okay..."

"I was going to tell you earlier but the nurses kept coming in and out and-"


He looks at me cautiously, before sighing and opening up to me.

"Well, when... when you were, the day that you know, fell asleep. The, uh... one of the people working at X-Factor called up and asked why you didn't show up and I told them you were ill..."

I answer with my eyes, and so he goes on.

"...and then I asked them if you could still audition when you get better, but they said no,"

My heart sinks and I look down at my ugly hospital gown the nurses had put me in.

"But... they said that there was someone who also fell ill that day and there was a free space in the evening, but I told them you were in a coma," Harry stops and looks up to see my face. I don't say anything, so he continues. "And they said due to the circumstances you were in... they considered me taking your place."

My heart jumps under my chest. "Th-they said... you could audition?"

Harry looks at me warily, unsure if I was happy or sort of angry. I smile to reassure him, and he nods. 

"Yes and... I did."

"You did?!" My hands fly to my mouth. "Y-you auditioned? What happened? Did they like you? Was you nervous? What was it like? Oh my god... Harry, did you get through?" I stop, my mouth gaping open slightly as I stare into Harry's eyes as they gleam and shimmer in the light of the full moon. "Did... did you get through?"

Harry smiles and nods and tears form in my eyes. I squeal and jump out of the bed onto Harry and I feel his body vibrate under mine as he chuckles heartily. 

"Shhh Brookie, you'll wake up the neighbors." he whispers.

I wrap my legs around Harry's waist and my arms around his neck. "I'm so proud of you," I say.

Harry smiles and his gaze diverts to my lips, which are only centimeters away from his.

"Harry," I whisper, and his eyes come back up to my eyes. "What did you sing?"

His eyes bore into mine for a few seconds, then he smiles. "Isn't she lovely, by Stevie Wonder..."

I smile. "My song..." I say.

Harry smiles. "I did it for you, love."

I smile back. "I know."

Harry's warm breath on my neck makes me shiver. I look down at his lips, they look swollen and pink. I feel his eyes on me contantly as wrap myself closer to his warm body, moving as close as I can get to him, holding onto him as tightly as I can, never wanting to let him go. My skin tingles with warmth as his eyes travel down to my lips again and without thinking, I lean in and kiss him. At first, he's unsure. So am I. But then he leans in and kisses me back. Softly. Reverently. Sweetly. It's exciting, but also comforting, like sinking into a soft pillow. It's as if we just fit. He touches my face with his fingertips and I bring myself as close as I can to him. No thoughts of guilt or remorse or comparison in my mind. It's just me and Harry and the cool air and buzzing noise from the air-conditioning and the smell of... hospital, which I try to neglect. 

The sound of our kisses filled the room. Harry holds my back as I sit up on my knees and kiss him feverishly. I tangle my fingers in his hair, brush my fingers down his neck, holding his shoulders, arms, hands, wanting to feel and immerse myself to every piece of him. 

"Brookie," Harry says huskily between kisses. "Brookie." I push him back on the chair and tuck my hair behind my ears. As I lean in to kiss him again, he holds a finger to my lips. 

I ask him with my eyes.

"I love you," he whispers, his voice cracking a little. 

I rest my hand on his face and stroke his cheek with my thumb, watching his face intently. I laugh and smile, gazing down into Harry's knowing eyes. "I know," I say.

I can feel Harry's heart thudding under his chest and I wish I could stay like this forever. "And I love you too."

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