Chapter 9. The old oak tree.

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The time we reach the park, we'd already finished our ice cream.

We'd been sitting on the grass near the pond, in front of the bench for a while now. Talking about the old times when we used to sit here when we were little, where I sang Reflection to Harry.

"I remember when I heard you sing for the first time here." he says a few moments later, almost as if he could read my mind.

He lays back with his arms behind his head. 

"I remember." I say, folding my legs.

It feels as though the day has gone by so quickly as it's already half past six and it's starting to get a bit dark. The sky has changed into a light shade of pink and purple and the sun is just hovering behind the old oak tree beside the pond. When we were little, me and Harry used to climb up the oak tree and whoever reached the top branch first, won. Of course, it was always Harry.

There's a bit of a breeze in the air so I shiver slightly.

"Are you cold?" Harry asks.

"A little." I say.

"Come here." he says, lying on his side and opening up his arms. I scoot closer to him and lay down beside him. He wraps his arms around me and rubs my arm with one hand.

"And when you told me I was amazing..." I reminisce. 

"You are," he says.

I turn my head, our faces are inches apart.

"I know," I say, smiling.

Harry chuckles and shakes his head.

"You're an amazing singer too, Harry." I say, looking away.

"Thank you." he says, and without even looking I know his dimples are showing.

We're silent for a while, but it's not an awkward silence, although Harry can be the most awkward person to be with. But right now I guess we're just happy to be in each other's company. I feel so relaxed that I could fall asleep.

We watch as the sun slowly descends behind the oak tree, until it is completely out of sight.

Harry props himself up on his elbow and I look up into his potent green eyes, gazing into mine.

"What are we going to do about Hayley?" he asks.

"I don't know." I whisper.

There's no one around, but it's so quiet I don't want to break the silence.

"She's so in love with him, even if he were up to something, she'd still forgive him if he asked her to." I say.

"Probably." he says.

"Where's your mum tonight?" he asks randomly.

"Hen night, it's my Auntie's wedding tomorrow."

"Nice." Harry says.

"I remember when you and the boys performed at Martin and Claudia's wedding back in June." I say.

"Yeah, that was the Summer of 69."

I scoff. "Bad joke, Styles."


"I forgive you."

Harry sighs, his warm breath tickles my neck and I shiver again. He rubs my bare arm.

All of a sudden, I hear glass smash and I look up and see a tall boy staggering towards us. It's not until he's only a few metres away from us that I notice it's Dougie.

"What... the fuck are you doing?!" he slurs, pointing his finger at us with the hand that's holding a  beer bottle.

Harry unwraps his arms from around me and I jump up from the ground abruptly, Harry does too.

"Dougie... this is not what it looks like." I say.

Dougie looks from me to Harry, I can see his bloodshot eyes even in the dark of the night.

He steps towards Harry and shoves him in the shoulder, hard. "ANSWER ME!" he shouts.

"Dougie, please stop." I plead, my voice sounds weak.

"Shut up, you stupid bitch!" he roars.

Harry steps in front of me. "Don't you dare speak to Brooklyn like that!" Harry shouts.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, she's my girlfriend." he shouts.

"That gives you no reason to speak to her like that!" he shouts back.

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna, eh?"

A second later, Harry swings his arm at Dougie, slamming his fist into his face. Dougie staggers back, nearly falling into a bush behind him.

Once he regains his balance, Dougie steps towards Harry, his eyes with fury and clumsily swings his arm at Harry's face, but Harry ducks just in time, causing Dougie to reel forward.

"Harry, stop!" I shriek. I feel so vulnerable, I literally can't move.

Harry looks at me, his eyes almost look apologetic, his breathing is heavy.

Dougie runs into Harry when he's not looking and his body crashes into the oak tree. Dougie runs his hand through Harry's curls and then grips onto them and pulls his head back. Harry sucks in air and shuts his eyes. He's stuck between the tree and Dougie's strong body, pushing him harder and harder into the tree as he recoils from Dougie. His face is now inches from Harry's.

"Someone please help!" I scream, looking to see if anyone is around, but the park is empty.

"Please... let go." Harry croaks.

"Well maybe... you should've thought twice before messing with... my girlfriend!" Dougie sneers, pulling Harry's head back even further.

I take in a deep breath, regain my strength and I walk towards Dougie. I touch his arm and look up into his crazed eyes, I notice there's a blue circle around his eye where Harry punched him. "Please, Dougie. Please let go." I say in a calm voice, squeezing his arm.

He looks at Harry who's looking helplessly at me, before looking back at me. He shoves Harry's head into the tree before quickly letting go. Harry cowers below Dougie and cries in pain.

"Don't fucking mess... with me... again!" he slurs at Harry, who's crounched on the ground with his back to the tree. Dougie shoots a glance at me before spitting next to Harry, turning around, picking his beer bottle back up and staggering off. 

I run up to Harry and fall to my knees, checking his head, the back of it is bleeding and Harry winces when I try to touch it.

"I'm so sorry, I- I couldn't stop him, I-"

"It's okay, don't worry."

"No it's not! It's all my fault, I should've expected this to-"

"Brookie," Harry touches my cheek, his pained eyes gazing into my alarming ones. My heart flutters as I watch his eyes move down and settle on my lips, which are most probably quivering. "relax." he says finally, looking back up into my eyes.

I stand up abruptly and hold out my hand, Harry takes it and I pull him off the ground.

"Let's take you home." I say.

"Mum's going to go mad." Harry says, shaking his head.

"Do you want to stay at mine?" I ask, silently hoping he'll say yes.

Harry thinks about it for a moment, "Can I stay until your mum gets back?" he asks.

"Of course, let's go."

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