Chapter 12. Undying love.

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- Harry's POV -

I had never experienced the joys and lows of love before this. I had only read about them. About how it felt to kiss the one you love. About how you notice every little impossible detail on their face, like their moles and incoherent freckles that you are impulsed to kiss whenever you see them. I had read about them. That was it. And somehow, reading it, reading about how a fake couple fell in love with a simple dramatic middle and almost perfect ending - I was content. I didn't need love. I didn't need companionship. I didn't need the joyous moment after you just made love or the wondrous feeling of having your arm perched around her waist when the sun woke you up the morning after. I didn't need it. So why did I feel like drowning? Why did I feel like a grain of sand on the beach in, the tide especially high that day? I didn't need love. I had gone sixteen years without the incompetent feeling, so why, why in god's name did I feel my heart twist and my stomach plummet when I saw her with him? When she chooses him over me? Because in real life, where an author isn't in the background discretely typing out the words of their latest bestseller, everything is... real. I'm not a puppet. I don't have an author who can backspace and rearrange my feelings to their approval. It is all real. I fell in love. Real love, the kind Nicholas Sparks writes about. The kind where you memorize their scent and know how many moles decorate their face. And now that I know what love feels like, how can I ever love again after knowing she'll never love me the way I love her? Unfortunately, not every one can have a best selling perfect ending where you can sweep a girl off her feet and pronounce your undying love for her. Even if you really wanted to.

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