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We landed in front of a ship, an enormous ship. Nayumi said something to it, showed it his ring and suddenly, it opened. I was shocked by that, wondering if it happened with mine as well.

"Welcome to your new home, Koi." Nayumi declared, motioning for me to get inside.

There was a blinding white light before I was able to get my vision back. I was amazed at what I saw. The inside was spacious, room everywhere. The walls were a deep wine color. There was people everywhere, from men and women.

The women had showy looking clothes, most of their stomach and chest showing. It seems I was the one who was overdressed. Whether it was a man or woman, all were sneering and leering at me. They only stopped when Nayumi passed, looking at him in respect and lust (only the women were).

I wonder why they looked like that?

Was it because he was someone important?

Nayumi lead me down the hall and into a room. Inside was a closet full of clothing. I didn't understand why he brought me there until a woman with a pixie cut hair appeared. It was in the colors of a bright blonde, making it look sort of white. Her eyes on the other hand were an electric blue.

She was one of the few who weren't showing so much, and even then, I'm the over dressed one. Nayumi and the woman were talking in hush whispering that I couldn't hear what they were speaking about.

He walks out a few seconds later, closing and locking the closet. The woman is suddenly all over me, looking as though she was trying to find something perfect for me to wear. She came upon one of the most visible dresses I have ever seen.

It had a corset top and what looked like an underwear, together it kind of looked like a one piece bikini, only it was sleeveless and only covered the chest.

Attached to the bottom was a long silk skirt, that only covered the back. She also brought out some heels. It looked a bit to reveling for me but Nayumi chose her to pick my outfit so I shall wear whatever she chooses.

The color was a dark pink, almost a red, saying something about it matching my eyes. Curious as to what my eye color was, I looked in a mirror. I saw a girl with creamy white skin, raven black hair and neon pink, close to hot pink eyes. I guess she meant my pink eyes.

She moved onto my hair and pulled it up into a high ponytail, leaving my bangs out. She held me at arms length, looking over her work.

She flashed pearly white teeth, her canines being significantly larger than the rest.

"Perfect, you look absolutely perfect!" She purred.

I blushed at complement, "Thank you..."

I hoped she'd fill in the blank.

"The name's Nixy." She responded, grinning.

"Thank you, Nixy."

"Why don't we show the boss your new makeover?" She suggest, taking ahold of my hand, pushing me towards the door.

Nayumi stood on the other hand, loving me over once I emerged. She smiled at me and said it was perfect. He thanked Nixy before he ushered us away. We stood in front of a door. He opened it and I got to see that it was cored in dark.

The walls were a blood-red while the bed and pillow sheets-- which were satin--are in the color black, red outlining them. The carpet on the other hand, were a violet wine.

"This shall be your room."

I was about to enter when he stopped me. I give a questioning glance, confused as to why he stopped me.

"You shall enter it later, for now, I have something to show you."

I nodded my head and followed him.He led us to a room that looked to be for training. He walked into what seemed to be the storage room. He pulled out a staff. It was beautiful. It was made of silver medal, blood diamonds all around it.

It was simple yet elegant and gorgeous. He handed me the staff and took out one for himself.

"Now, I shall show you how to use that Bo." He got into a stance, holding onto the staff professionally.

He trained me for hours, telling me what I did good, and how I could improvise.

"Make sure to keep it with you all the time for it is something precious to my people." He state, looking at me to make sure I understood.

I nod my head in reply, asking if I could head back home. He told me it was alright so I left.


I awoke to see myself facing sideways, sand all around me.

Where was I?

Am I dead?

Wanting to see where exactly I was at, I stood up, realizing that I was inside an hourglass. Seeing myself inside it, I began to panic. I pounded on the glass, hoping more than anything that it will break. It didn't work, I was still inside, not a crack on it.

Suddenly, sand started to fall from on top. If I didn't find a way out, I'll be buried alive!

While I began to panic, a creaking sound erupted from all around me.

Something was telling me to look up, so I did. In front of me was a man. He was toed to a wall in front of my entrapment. He had lavender hair and dark blue eyes. A look of betrayal was on his face. The worst part if it all, was the fact that it made my chest constrict.

His gaze moves downwards so I follow. There was blood covering his abdomen. I follow the trail of blood, and see that it led towards my hands. In my hands was a knife, a knife covered in blood. His blood.

My heart constricts painfully, my stomach churning. It hurt so much knowing that I did this, but why!?


I awoke with a start, my stomach still churning and my heart constricting. The worst of it all, was the fact that i was sobbing. Who was that man and why did the though of me killing him hurt so much?

Whatever the reason, I couldn't tell anyone, especially Nayumi, who'll be enraged.

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