I'm Just Me

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"Have you decided to betray me as well, Koi?" Nayumi questioned, the smirk gone and replaced by a darker look.

"It's Suika!" It felt surreal, saying my name is Suika instead of Koi.

Whatever, Nayumi wasn't my everything anymore. He wasn't! He was a liar, someone who tricked me in order to get what he wanted, whatever that was. As time passes by, my rage for him only grew. It was making my insides burn and my head pound.

I'm going to hurt him! He's going to feel the pain I felt in learning about what he did to me! I even knew of what to use to hurt him, it was going to be the weapon he gave me: my Bo Matsu. Pulling it out from behind my back, I face it towards Nayumi, my grip on it tight.

"I shall not fall for your trickery again, Nayumi!" I declared, looking at him dead in the eye.

"How will you stop me... Suika?!" He inquired, spitting my name out in disgust.

"I will destroy you with the weapon you gave me Nayumi!" I gritted out, running at him.

I swung down my Bo, nearly missing him seeing as he moved away. not letting up, I twirl the Bo and rammed it into his side, causing him to move quite a bit.

"I have finally understood your power Nayumi," I declared, putting my Bo behind me, "I know you are weak, and the only reason my family hasn't stopped you was the fact that you used your power against them. Even Bulla could take you on."

I knew that Nayumi didn't know who I was referring to, but just mentioned it to say how weak I knew he truly was.

"You are pathetic, having to trick me in order to be able control me. I will defeat you Nayumi, that is a promise. I will do it as Suika and as Koi!" I proclaimed, throwing a kick to his face.

He only managed to dodge it a little, resulting in me kicking the left side of his face. Not letting him have time to recall his bearings, I grab a hold of his hair, keeping him in place. I then punch him in the gut. Pulling Matsu again, I duck down and swipe it across his feet, making him lose balance and fall. He got up so fast it was as if he never fell.

I moved to hit him again with Matsu when he disappeared. Looking around I tried not to let him get me off guard; it didn't work. I was suddenly trapped when hands wrapped themselves around me, someone's chest on my back. It was Nayumi.

"I think not, I may not be stronger than your friends, but I am stronger than you!" His grip around me tightened, cutting off my air supply.

"N-Nayumi!" I croaked out, my breathing becoming shallower the more time passed.

"Are you really Suika?" His sudden question surprised me. I was not expecting that.

"Yes," I nodded my head, still trying to get out of his grip.

"If that is the truth then tell me, why are you using Koi's weapon?"

He wasn't going to trick me, not this time, not again. "That is because I am both Suika and Koi."

"If you are Koi then why did you attack me!? Koi would have never done something to betray, to hurt, me!" Nayumi was getting louder.

"She hates you! Even if I was only Koi, know that I despise you!" I shouted right back. "You tricked me, you lied to me! It was because of you that I always felt as if something was off."

"How so?"

"When I was S-Suika you had m-me under y-your control from the very b-beginning, making me t-trust you, the enemy. It made me feel guilty, for h-how can I trust y-you when my whole f-family knew you were e-evil. Even why I was Koi you m-made me believe m-my family w-was evil, that whole time I felt unease. I never knew w-what it was until now: I felt that certain way b-because something d-deep inside of me knew what y-you spouted was a-a lie."

"I did what I had to, I swore to make Gine's next girl kin pay for her mistakes. It was a shame you were the first girl in her lineage."

"O-Of course you d-did, your sole p-purpose for ruining m-my life was because you w-wanted revenge. So w-what if someone got h-hurt in the process r-right?" I said the last sentence in sarcasm, still having trouble breathing.

He ignored my statement, instead saying, "I only gave you what you wanted, what you couldn't have while being Suika. Koi made you strong, I made you stronger!"

As he continued to talk, my irk began to get more potent. He's wrong!

"Shut up!" I roared, finally breaking free of his hold, taking a large intake of breath once I was finally free.

I quick twist around, throwing a punch at him. Since he was near me, the punch reached. He stopped himself from flying away too far. I'm glad I—like the rest of my family and friends—have super strength.

"I was not kidding Nayumi, I will destroy you. What stopped Koi from attaching you is all gone. I want to hurt you bad!"

Pulling my hand back, I let out a ki blast. I was going to show him that I was not one of his people! I was not his! I let it go towards him, and while I knew that he was going to dodge it easily, I still let it happen. As he moved to the right to dodge it, I move quickly so that I was right beside him, forming another ki blast.

He wasn't able to dodge it this time. He spasmed on the floor: I knew he wasn't physically stronger than my brothers.

I walked until I'm towering over him. Baring my teeth, I snarled, "I am not Koi and I am not Suika. I am just me!"

I bring my foot down on him, crushing his arm.

"I shall not kill you, Nayumi. I was not raised by my Sayian father and my human mother to kill others. I will give you a second chance in life, but you must disappear, you are not allowed back on earth or anywhere near here. Do you understand?!"

Looking up at me with defeated eyes, I knew that Nayumi understood. Finally I was able to defeat an enemy towards earth. I've finally done something that the daughter of Goku should do. I finally feel like a (half) Sayian!

I then felt two other presences appear, ones that weren't here before. Looking up, I see both Nixy and Rei flying towards us. Rei looks over at his brother but says nothing. It was okay, for I knew that right then they had an understanding.

"Ren, Rei, Nixy, get your lord out of here. Take him back to your home world and make sure that I never see him again. This is the ending for us all... goodbye,"

"Goodbye, Suika," Ren remarked, looking at me with sad eyes.

Giving him a smile, I respond, "Goodbye Ren, thank you for everything, truly."

They finished their goodbyes, grab a hold of Nayumi, and leave.


Turning around I smile, about to call back.


Before I could continue, a sharp pain from my chest stopped me. Something was rising from inside, spilling out from my mouth. It was red!

"Suika!" My name was shouted out again, only this time, it was in sorrow. 

I fall towards the ground, my vision hazy. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open. I felt exhausted, maybe I should just let the darkness take me...

"Open your eyes, Suika!"

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