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I was standing inside a cozy looking coffee shop, it was buzzing with people, who were interacting with each other. I had no clue how I got here. Suddenly I walked over to a table, where a man sat in. It was the same man from my nightmare, the one I saw when I finally went out into the human world. He had lavender hair and dark blue eyes.

He smiled kindly at me, getting up so that he could pull out the chair for me. How sweet.

"I'm glad to be here with you Suika." He declared, putting his hand over mine.

There he goes again, using that name that made something deep inside of me pulse. When his fingers touched mine, I felt warmth bloom inside my stomach. Why did this man have such an effect on me, something others even Nayumi, didn't. Remembering what Nayumi said, I pull my hand away.

"My name is Koi!" I stated, getting up from my seat and trying to get away from him.

He doesn't let me, his hand landing on my forearm. He pulls me closer to him, my chest almost touching his. His eyes held a loving look. Electricity sparked all around us.

"Is it?" He began, "You know that the last thing you'll ever want to do is run away from me."

"That's not true!" I feverishly denied. "I don't even know who you are!"

"If that was true then why does your body react the way it does when I hold onto you like this." He demanded, pulling me even closer. "Your body's reacting the way it does because you crave my touches."

He was right, no matter how much I deny, the feel of his body against mine made something warm pool inside the lower reigns of my stomach. Before I knew what was happening, he's leaning in. I do nothing to prevent it, but instead, starting leaning in as well. I... wan-!


My heart was pounding and I was sweating like a pig. That dream was so vivd. I hated that I felt disappointed in the fact that I didn't get to finish it. Nayumi would be lively if he found out about it. I knew he would.

I decided to do the only thing I could think of, keep it a secret from him by not telling him. Nayumi shan't know.


"You must remember who you were."

I turn around to see a woman. She had dark hair and eyes. She seemed familiar somehow. She takes a step closer to me.

"Who I was!? I wasn't anyone but Koi!" I snapped, taking a step away from her.

"Are you sure that Koi is who you were, who you are?"

She was starting to creep me out.

"Look... Miss, I'm Koi and that's all to it. Now why don't you leave me alone!"

She opened her mouth to speak...


I was shaken awake before the woman managed to finish her sentence. I look up to see that it was Nixy.


"Nayumi wants to see you." She declared, pulling the covers off of me.

"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes."

She left so that I could get ready. I arrived at Nayumi's room to see that he indeed was waiting for me.

"Koi, you're going to train even more intensely than before." He stated.

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