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Once I awoke, I was instantly brought into the kitchen. The table was filled with fruits. All different types of colors. I looked around the table and two fruits caught my attention. It was a Kiwi and a Dragon-Fruit.

They looked delicious so I grabbed a bowl full of them. I sat at one of the many tables, eating my breakfast. I was so into it that I didn't notice someone join me.

"Koi, you're staring too intently at your food."

I looked up to see Nayumi. He was staring down at me, an amused smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry, I just really like this." I replied, taking another bite.

He takes a seat next to me, a plate of fruits set in front of him by some women, whom I assume are his servants. He ended up getting all different types of fruits. I was curious to see his reaction. So I watched as he took a bite of an apple. I was disappointed.

It was the same as before. He must've caught me disappointed look for he raises an eyebrow in question at me.

"It's nothing!" I denied, failing my arms about. I haven't a clue as to why I did that.

He looks at me for a few seconds in suspicion before he just shrugs his shoulders and resumes his eating. That was close. Once I finished my breakfast, I began to make my way out of the room, only to be stopped by Nayumi.

"Meet me in the training room."

I nod my head in response.


"Alright, take out your weapon." He demands, his staff in hand.

I take out mine, getting into my stance. It's been about a month or two since I've been training to use my staff. I believe I have gotten better, but Nayumi still believes I have a lot to learn. I didn't question his resolution, he is my sensei after all. I watched as Nayumi suddenly disappeared, knowing better than to let my guard down.

I felt something behind me so I side-step, only to see his staff mere inches from my face. If I didn't dodge it, then I would've suffered from a major blow. Good thing my instincts are reliable. I hit my staff against his, making his fly backwards. I turn around and run forward, Nayumi doing the same.

We spent the rest of our training trying to out do each other, to get a hit on the other...


I looked around, trying to find Nixy. A few seconds later, I spotted her with the twins--Rei and Ren. Ren and Rei looked happy as usual. I walk over to them, giving them a smile in greeting.

"Koi, Nayumi was looking for you, you're suppose to join us today!" Nixy declared once I arrived.

"Join, you mean as in outside?" I reply unsure.

All three nodded their heads. It was a strange notice, Nayumi has never in the whole time I've been here, let me out into the real world. The only time I remember seeing it was either in that time I awoke with amnesia or from my dreams. It was a strange notion indeed.

"Alright, let us get going then." I respond, getting up.

I followed them until we were in front of the door that would lead us to the exit. Nayumi stood by it, seemingly awaiting our arrive. He looked over at me, our gaze unwavering. Once he saw how determined I looked, he faced his ring towards the door and the next thing I know, it's opening. This was it, I finally get to see the outside world.

The door opened and a bright light blinded me momentarily. Once I was accustom to it, I was amazed at what I saw. The sky was shining a light blue, the ground covered in mostly dirt. Rock and boulders littered the ground about. The outside world really was breathtaking.

"Koi, stay behind everyone." Nayumi declared. "Do not by any means leave or do something without my consent."

I nodded my head before we all started to fly straight forward. To where I haven't a clue. I looked around me as we flew, finding everything interesting. We only got a few miles away from where we live at--it would take about an hour or so just to get back--when I felt a strange sensation. It was coming at us at a high speed.

Once it got closer I was able to make out that it wasn't only one thing but multiple. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. Something about that sensation made me nervous. My hands broke out into a cold sweat. Why am I getting so worked up!?

Everyone stops so I follow, stopping as well. Nayumi was staring off into the distance, his eyes narrow. He seemed annoyed. I was finally able to make out small figures. The problem was the fact that the weird sensation I felt was coming from them.

A few seconds later and the figures were no longer figures. In front of us, a few feet away--still in the air--were people. It was a few of them, both genders. I looked around them, wondering who they were and why I felt a strange sensation when I saw them. They seemed familiar somehow.

And then I spotted the one who made my body freeze stiff. The one who made my blood run cold. It was the guy in my dream, the one with lavender hair and dark blue eyes. He was looking at me, relief flooding in his eyes. Why was he looking at me like that.

"You bastard! Give me back my sister!" A man with dark hair and eyes shouted at Nayumi, looking enraged.



... No, he must be talking somebody else.

"Koi," Nayumi began, turning towards me. "I want you to use what I taught you on them."

I hesitantly nod my head. If that is what Nayumi wants then that's what I'll do. I'll do whatever my sensei wants. I fly into the front of the group, taking out my Bo. I watch them with calculating eyes, seeing who shall make the first move.

They looked hesitant, neither making a move. I guess it's my job to make the first move then. Before I could though, the three behind me--Nixy, Rei and Ren--make the first move, attacking some of the people. I guess I better get moving then. I go towards the closest to me, the lavender haired one.

I swing my staff towards him, thinking it'll miss, but instead to my surprise, the staff made it's mark. He allowed himself to get hit. The sound of what it made, the contact between the staff and his side, made me flinch. Suddenly I remembered about my dream. I couldn't do this, the thought of what I could do to him scared me more than anything.

I can't do this! I can't!

My stomach was churning, my heart pounding like a jackhammer. I would've dropped the Bo had it not been important. Since it was though, I put it away. I turn around to leave when a hand grabs ahold of my wrist, stopping me. It was the man with lavender hair.

"Suika, don't leave with them, with him!" He begged, his hand digging into my wrist. The sound of that name made something inside of me constrict.

He was tightening his hold unconsciously. What scared me though, was the fact that from where our skin touched I felt electricity shoot. Now that felt like a connection.


I snapped out of the trance I was in, yanking my hand out of the man's hold. I shake my head at the man, keeping my expression blank.

"I don't know who you are or who this Suika is. I am Koi." With that said, before he could do anything else, I fly towards Nayumi.

"All of you, it is time for is to leave." That was all Nayumi had to say so that the twins and Nixy flew back towards us, leaving the fight behind.

Knowing that the people wouldn't let us leave, Nayumi said something to the twins and the next thing anyone knows, we were transported somewhere else.

"Koi," I didn't like the look on Nayumi's face. "Hesitate again and I'll make you pay, understand."

I rapidly nod my head, ashamed. I really did hesitate but why?

What was it about that man that made me hesitate, and why was my wrist still tingling!?

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