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"... No," I finally respond, my stomach clenching in betrayal.

He mumbled something but I wasn't able to hear it.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing," He waved off my question.

"All right then let's continue our walk." I declared, getting up from the swing and finishing up my ice cream.

We continued our walk before he finally decided to tell me what has been bothering him.

"Koi, I-I think I'm in... love with you." I look at him in shock, confused by those mere words.

"What, how is that even possible? I thought your type of people don't feel love—that is at least what Nixy once told me."

He shook his head. "No it's not that we cannot fall in love, it's just that it's very uncommon." He answered.

"I'm sorry but accepting you would be a be-"

"Betrayal to Nayumi, I know." He interrupted me. "I knew that you would never accept me because of Nayumi, and I'm fine with that, I just wished to tell you."

"I am honored that you feel that way, but I cannot reciprocate." I responded, knowing that I should just tell him what I feel, no matter what.

"I understand, thank you for hearing me out." He looked heartbroken: maybe even their species can feel emotions, even if it's very unlikely.

I had only recently found out that I was not in the same species category as they were. That opened my eyes to a new possibility. It changed the way I looked at Nayumi and the others. As we headed back, Ren kept on looking as if he was distracted.

"Ren," I called out. "Is something wrong?"

"Hm, no I was just thinking about something." He responded, giving me a reassuring smile.

"All right, if you say so," I stated hesitantly, finding him being too evasive, too weird. "Shall we head back towards the ship before Nayumi becomes enraged."

"Sure, I don't see why not." He agreed. We broth flew into the air, ignoring the looks bystanders gave us.

If I was human, that is what I was told, they why are they acting as if they themselves don't do it. If I could do it being a human then they could as well, right? When we got back inside the ship Ren excused himself from my presence and left. He must've been hurt by my rejection if he didn't want to be near me right now. I felt horrible about what I did, but it's best if he doesn't become attached to me, not when I would choose Nayumi over everyone or anything.   

I headed straight towards Nayumi's room. He was lounging on his bed without a shirt on. I was about to leave, thinking that he wanted privacy, but before I could he called me over.


"Yes milord?" I questioned.

"What did you and Ren do?"

"Nothing, just went out for some ice cream," I replied.

"Did he tell you anything of importance?" He pried.

Even if it was something others shouldn't know, I had to tell my liege it for I would do anything for him, respond to anything he questions. Right as I was about to tell him of what Ren told me, his room's door was burst open. On the other side stood one of the twins. For a second I believed it to be Ren: it was Rei. He looked out of breath.

"Is there something the matter, Rei?" Nayumi inquired, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity.

"I-It's R-Ren," He coughed out, "He's gone!"

"What, where did he go?!" I demanded, my mind racing.

"You won't believe it," Rei replied, still not answering the question.

"Tell us, Rei." Nayumi demanded. "Do not make us guess."

"To the enemy!"



I was stuck in my room while they searched for Ren. I just couldn't understand what had caused him to do that, go towards the enemies. A thought popped into my head, but I quickly dismissed it. What Ian I thinking, trying to be narcissistic is what. Of course he didn't go to the enemy because of my rejection.

Even I'm, Nayumi's favorite, not that important. So then what could it be? Oh Ren, what is going through your head right now.

"Koi," I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my room door being knocked quite harshly.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Milord has summoned you," The person on the other end responded.

"All right, I shall be there in a few moments," I answered.

"Just don't keep him waiting," With that said the person walked away.

I left my room and headed towards where I knew Nayumi was at. He was right where I knew he would be: in the "throne" room. He sat in a chair, looking straight at me as I arrived.

"My liege, you called upon me?" I  bowed my head in the slightest.

"Yes, you never got to finish answering my question. "Did he tell you anything of importance?"

"Yes," I could not lie to him, my master my sincerest apologies Ren. "He told me that he was in love with me."

Nayumi's eyes suddenly turned redder then I have ever seen them before, but how is that even possible?! He called upon some of his men do that they could summon Rei. What is Nayumi up to?

"Milord, you asked for me?" Rei, unlike me, bowed his whole body.

"Yes, I did. Now how loyal are you to me?"

"Completely milord."

"Good, to prove it I want you to go find Ren and kill him."

What no!


It's not right, they're brothers!

"I'll do it!" I proclaimed.

I was not going against my master's wishes, no, I would never do that. I only intend to do the job as it befalls me for telling the truth. I must face the consequences of betraying Ren. It is my job and no one else's. Especially not Rei, who I know would do it—kill his brother, but would later on in life live with the guilt of killing his own flesh and blood. 

Nayumi stared at me wordlessly before he finally spoke up, "Fine, Koi kill Ren. Show him no mercy."

I nod my head in determination. This shall be the end of you Ren, just you wait.

I'm sorry, Ren.

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