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I stared at them, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Suki, who were you speaking with?" My father questioned, his eyes holding a look of confusion.

I stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond. Thankfully my mother opened the door, dragging me inside to help prepare dinner. I allowed her so that they wouldn't bother me. About forty-five minutes later my mother and I finished making dinner. My father and the rest of the Sayians eat as though there was no tomorrow. Everyone broke off into small conversations. I was talking to Marron and Bulla when my brother, Gohan, spoke up.

"[Whew]... you guys might have wondered why all of you are here."

Everyone replied with a'yeah' or 'yes'. He turns towards Hikari, grabs her hands in his and gets down on a knee. My breath gets caught in my throat, like Hikari. I could feel my eyes start to water, happy for my brother. The funny thing was that I was acting as though I was the one getting proposed.

"Hikari, when I first laid my eyes on you I felt guilty, I was with Videl then and felt guilty because even then I saw you as the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. It was then that I realized that I had fallen out of love with Videl. I started to get to know you better and soon knew that you were the one. We've only been together for about three years and a half but still, I- Will you marry me?" He questioned, his voice laced with hope and nervousness.

I looked at Hikari to see that she was crying, she immediately nodded her head, gasping and repeating, 'Yes!' over and over. My brother took out a ring and put it on her finger, hugging and kissing her. Everyone cheered, especially my mother who was happy that her baby was finally getting married and gonna give her grandchildren soon. The looks my brother and Hikari made where hilarious. But nonetheless I was still very happy for them both.

I stood up and went to back of the room, content in just seeing my family happy.

"Marriage, a formal union between a man and a women."

I snap my head to the right and see Nayume, he was looking at the direction of Gohan and Hikari.

"What about it?" I question, my voice in a whisper, not wanting the others to overhear me.

They'll most likely think I was talking to myself. It seemed that I was the only one who could see or hear him. It was a bit unraveling for me.

"You humans get married because of that emotion love, correct?" He asks, his crimson gaze landing on me.

I nod my head, answering his question. The way he asked it made me really believe that perhaps his race really didn't feel the emotions most do.

"Marriage is also a part of my people's custom."

I stare at him in shock, "But I thought your race didn't feel emotions we humans do!?"

"Like I stated before, the definition of marriage is the union between a man and a women. We only do it because my people are very territorial, marriage keeps what little harmony we have. Marriage for us is when we want to procreate, even so marriage is still very rare amongst my people." He answered, sounding as though he was teaching, which he technically was.

"That sounds horrible!" I declared, mortified, "For us marriage usually happens when you are in love with somebody and want to share everything together, including spending your life with them forever."

"I was almost engaged once, but the women ended up marrying someone else." He blurted out, his gaze returning to my family.

"Thats horrible! Did you only want to marry her so you could reproduce?" I ask, not asking him he was in love with her because of what he just explained a few seconds ago.

"Yes," He answered before continuing, "I was intrigued by her though, it was a small fascination."

I was about to ask him who and why but was cut off by Hakari calling me over. I looked in her direction before turning back towards Nayume. Unfortunately, he was gone by the time I looked back. I head towards Hiakri and ask her what she wanted once I was in front of her.


"I was wondering if you'll be my maid of honor?" She hesitantly asked, her eyes showing worry and nervousness.

"I'll be honored!" I replied, nodding my head.

"Thank you!" She shouted, pulling me into a hug.

I just laughed and patted her back, telling her 'your welcome'. Unfortunately, I wasn't as happy as I should've been. I too busy thinking about how a few hours ago I was disgusted in having a connection with Nayume and yet a few moments ago I actually content talking to him, not feeling an ounce of hatred at all. Of course that caused me to feel guilty, I was actually okay talking to a bad person, talked to him like I would anyone else. I should be ashamed at myself and yet... I was actually looking forward to talk to Nayume again.


I was walking down the stairs, intending to get a drink. It was around one in the morning. I woke up feeling thirsty. I turn on the lights only to jump, hand clutching my chest.

"Give me a heart attack, why don't cha'!" I stated, glaring. [1]

"Sorry!" Trunks' apologized, holding his hands up to empathize is point.

Standing in front of me was Trunks. He was sleeping over today. I was glad to see that he was wearing a top and bottom, mortified if he wasn't. I suddenly started to feel self-conscious. I was in shorts and a spaghetti-strap, too lazy to search for my others.

My hair was in a braid, but it probably looked like a birds nest. Thankfully Trunks din't comment on my appearance. We stood in a awkward silence before Trunks decided to break it.

"What are you doing down here Turlly?" He questioned.

"Just wanting to get something to drink." I answered heading for the cabinets. I took out a cup and filled it up with water and drinking its contents.

After I put it in the sink I give Trunks a smile and head up stairs, feeling at bliss.


[1]- Its something I usually say when someone scares me, I say it a bit different sometimes though.

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