Red Eyes

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"Come, Koi. It is time for us to head home," Nayumi, my master, declared.

"Yes sir," I obediently followed, ignoring the shouts of those behind me.

Nayumi rules all, Nayumi is my master, my liege. Whatever he asks of me shall be done, for he is the one who controls all. That is what I believed, it was what I knew. As we flew back towards our home, I felt a sudden wosh of air. Behind me I could see a group of people coming towards us at a fast speed.

"Ren. Rei. Nixy. Handle it." Nayumi declared, he then looked towards me, "Koi, let's keep moving."

"Right," I responded, not even watching as the others stopped to slow those people chasing us down.

They don't matter, only Nayumi does.


It's been a while since that lavender haired man stared at me so strangely. In fact, I think it's been about two months. In those times Nayumi pushed me harder then ever before, it's as if he was angry at me for some reason. I think I only had breaks when I ate and went to the restroom (of course also at night when I slept).


I whipped my head back around, my left cheek stinging from the force of the hit. I looked at Nayumi to see him gripping his Bo--the offended object that hit my cheek.

"Koi!" His expression held a look of annoyance, "Focus!"

Seeing that he was enraged again, I concentrated on doing whatever he said. For the remainder of training I did the best that I could, which didn't seem to please Nayumi. I was disappointed at myself, I shouldn't make Nayumi angry and disappointed. I needed to please him! If I failed I wouldn't know how to keep on living.

I walked towards the mirror to remind myself. I looked and saw a female with long black hair and crimson red eyes. I needed to remember that I had the same eyes as Nayumi for a reason. It was my destiny to do as Nayumi pleases.


I turned around and was surprised to see Ren.


His green eyes bore into mine. "Wanna go get some ice cream?"


"First, let's ask Nayumi if he'll allow us to leave into the human world," He declared, leading me to him.

When Nayumi heard Ren idea, I didn't believe he would have allowed me to leave but to my surprise, he agreed. We left the ship and headed for a town close by. I got a seat while he got our ice cream. Since I sat by a couple I got to hear everything they said.

"Hey did you hear about the Briefs," The girl spoke, looking at her boyfriend in expectancy.

"No, why?" Her boyfriend questioned.

"There was an explosion at their house a few weeks ago," The girl replied.

"It was probably just Dr. Briefs again," the boy offhandedly commented, as if that was a common occurrence.

"That's just the thing!" She practically shouted, "it seems that it wasn't him this time."

"Then who?" The boy asked curiously.

The girlfriend leaned in closer and tried to whisper, it didn't work since I still heard. "They believe it was an alien!"

The boyfriend let out an indecent snort and rolled his eyes. "Don't be an idiot, it sure as hell wasn't an "alien" dummy."

"Then what else could it be?!" She questionably demanded.

"They're rich, it could've just been a burglary gone wrong,"

"Then how come I heard something about a girl named Suika, hm?!"

"I don't know, I don't even know who that person is!" He replied.

"Suika is a family friend of the Briefs family. Her dad is supposedly to have known Bulma since they were kids and Suika is also supposedly one of Trunks Briefs' best friend." The girl informed.

"How do you know all of this?" Her boyfriend asked, looking weirded out.

"From Momiji, duh!"

"Come on let's just go," He held out his hand for her to take, which she did. They both left a few moments later.

Hmm, what they were talking about seemed interesting. Although that Suika girl escaped me since I haven't a clue about who she was or is. 

"Is everything all right?"

I looked up to see Ren, who was holding two foam cups filled with ice cream. He looked worried.

"Yeah, everything's fine," I replied, giving him what I hoped was a reassuring smile.

"Here," He then proceeded to give me my cup, which was filled with something white and what looked to be brown chips.

"What's this?" I questioned, showing him the inside of my cup.

"It's chocolate chip ice cream." He answered.

"Why don't we eat this while walking around outside?" I suggested.

"Sure why not." He responded.

We both head out the shop and begin to walk around. We passed some couples on the streets, as well as busy people, people by themselves, etcetera. When I choose to stop though, was when we stopped by a park. A few kids were playing around but soon left after their parents called for them (presumable because of the way I dressed). Ren sat on a swing so I followed suit and sat in the swing next to his. For the next few minutes we both eat quietly, just enjoying the view.

"Are you in love with Nayumi?"

That questioned caught me off guard, causing me to choke on the ice cream that was making its way down my throat.

"W-What?!" I inquired, hoping that what I just heard was wrong.

"I asked if you loved Nayumi," He repeated, looking at me in expectancy.

"Of course I do, he's my liege!" I replied without hesitation.

"Not that you love him, but if you're in love with him."

Now I was confused. "I don't understand."

"What I mean is that if you like him romantically."

Oh... I did love Nayumi as my leader, and as a brother but do I have feeling for him romantically?

... No, I don't love him in that way, in the way where for humans is the most important emotion. I don't want to have children with Nayumi, not in that way, not in the way that involved sexual intercourse.

That realization was horrible. It was a betrayal to Nayumi, who was supposed to be my everything, who is my everything. I cannot believe this betrayal of mine! I deserve to be punished!

"Koi?" I snapped out of it. "Are you in love with Nayumi?"

I am so sorry about my lack of updates! I've just lost my motivation for this story since I've finally gotten over my phase of writing fanficton. Do not worry though (that is if you actually care) I'll continue this story until the very end—I hope.

*Also, if you are interested in joining a book club, you should join the one my friend and I created. It's on her account; her username is UrLovelyElliMea . It's also on my list. It's called, "Illuminating Café Book Club", I hope you give it a try.


-Marie Moore

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