Side Story: First Dream

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I opened my eyes slowly, the sun's rays strong against my eyes. I let out a low sigh, thinking about what I had just dreamt about. In the dream I was sitting on a park bench, watching the motion around me. I watched as kids played around and mothers gossiped. I never once moved from my spot, my eyes unblinking.

I was not sure as to why I never reacted. Just then, a person appeared next to me; it was Nayumi. I thought that I was never seeing him again. I guess that was just a silly little dream of mine, of course even now Nayumi was still such a big part of my life. When am I finally going to be able to live without Nayumi's shadow looming over me?

"Is something the matter, Suika?" I looked up only to see Trunks.

I was laying on my stomach. He was dressed in a khaki colored suit and a royal blue tie. He had on his glasses.

Smiling up at him lazily, I respond, "It's nothing."

"Suika, my love. Please do not lie to me, you know I can now tell when something is the matter with you. Share with me, confide in me," Trunks had not given up, he really wishes for me to be able to tell him things.

I knew then without a doubt that I could confide in him. He loved me, I could clearly see it in his eyes, and wanted what was best for me. He truly did.

"I had a dream," I began, "and Nayumi was in it."

I heard a sharp intake of breath that was obviously from my boyfriend. Even so Trunks did not speak up, making me very grateful.

"I was sitting on a park bench when he suddenly appeared, he then proceeded to sit next to me. The weird part of it all though, was the fact that he never once spoke up, he just stared at the people in front of us, never once looking at me."

"As much as I hate to admit this, Nayumi was a big part in your life Suika, you loved him for a while as Koi, and that love was strong. You would have done anything for him," I opened my mouth to protest, to retort that I had never once been in love with Nayumi—that Trunks had been my only love, but he continued before I could speak up. "I did not mean you were in love with him Suika, but that you loved him, there's a difference between those two meanings. As I was saying, the idea that he no longer controls you must feel horrible, as terrible and unfathomable as that sounds. In someway you just got used to it and now, you're trying to cope with just being Suika and not Koi."

"You're not infuriated with me because of that are you?" I hesitantly inquired, uneasy about what his answer would be.

He shook his head, "Of course not Suika, I cannot understand what you are going through, but I can at least be supportive."

"I really don't deserve you, Trunks," I declared, giving him a sad smile.

"That's not true, Suika. I am the one who does not deserve you,"

I was going to deny that statement but Trunks did not allow it: he stated that he needed to get going. He kissed me goodbye and then left. As I laid in bed, I couldn't help but feel... disoriented. Even with Turnks' reassuring words, I still felt uneasy about that dream. Nayumi showing up in my dream has left me unsettled. It has been a while since I've been Koi, will Nayumi always be present not only in my mind but my dreams as well, the only time I should feel at peace?

I wanted to forget about that horrible man, I just wished for it all to end. Is my wish ever going to be answered? I get up from the bed and start dressing up. I was going to meet some of my friends from high school later on. I dressed into a flowing white dress, and had a headband made of flowers wrapped around my head.

As I headed to our meeting point, I spot something to my left. It was a person, but not just anyone, it was Nayumi.

What was he doing back on earth?!

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