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"Let me tell the others." The lavender haired man decaled, pulling back from out hug but not enough that I was completely out of his arms.

"No," I blurted out quite loudly. "no, you can't, if Nayumi founds out..."

"I'm not letting that bastard anywhere near you again!" He promised, his hold tightening painfully. "I won't stand by and watch him take you away from me-us any longer."

The foreign feeling that I had while hugging his disappeared and was replaced with a more familiar one: anger.

"That isn't for you to decide."

"Don't tell me you honestly wan to go back with that lunatic!" He was becoming angry as well.

"So what if I do, it's my decision not yours!" I pushed myself away from him, getting ready to take off into the sky.

Before she could the man grabbed ahold of her arms, preventing her from leaving, "I told you that I wasn't going to stand by and watch as he takes you away again! Can't you see that he's brainwashing you!"

"He is not! My lord would never do that to me." I shouted back, my patience thinning.

"Then why are your eyes pink!?"

"They've always been pink!"

He shakes his head at my response, "No, your original eye color was-is teal!"

This guy! Why the hell did I feel such strong foreign emotions for him

I began to tug at my arm, hoping he'll let go. His grip on me just got stronger. In the end I decided to stop, if I truly wanted to get free I knew I'll have no probably in doing so. Since I stopped his grip on me loosened.

"Please let me tell the others." He whispered.

"A-Alright." I hesitantly agree, unable to say no to his dejected face.

A bright smile bloomed onto his face.



"Where is she!? Where the hell is Koi!?" Nayumi shouted, looking at Rei, Ran and Nixy with rage.

"W-We're not certain, my lord!" Nixy hesitantly replied, her lord scaring the crap out of her. She's never seen him this angry before, especially since he's someone whom rarely shows any emotion.

"Find her!" He shouted, enraged.

When he got his hands on her, he was going to make her regret her decision. How dare she leave the ship without his permission. He still cannot believe it took him hours to figure out that she wasn't on the ship anymore. Hatomi was correct, he needed to make it stronger, strong enough that Koi would never do something like this again.

When he found that idiot, he was going to make her pay!


"Suika, I can't believe it's you!" A man with spiky black hair and onyx eyes exclaimed, the sunlight making the lens in his glasses gleam.

"And you are..."

"Gohan, your elder brother."

"I have a brother!?" I exclaimed at the revelation.

"Actually, you have two." Someone from behind me declared.

I turn around and spot a guy that has similarities to Gohan, only this one looked younger.

"Are you my older bother as well?" I inquired, curious.

He shook his head, "No, you're my elder sibling by a year. Oh, and by the way, my name's Goten."

Neat, I was the middle child. Wait did that mean-

"-I was the least favorite?"

"No, you were daddy's little girl."

"Where is this "daddy" you speak of?"

"Over here of course!" Someone answered cheerfully.

That someone had spiky-all-over-the-place raven-black hair and onyx eyes. I can see where both Gohan and Goten got most of their appearance from. This guy had an air of kindness around him. Even if he seemed childish, by his power level I could tell that he was someone I shouldn't mess with.

"So you're my... father?"

"Yup, I'm your father Goku!" He replied cheerfully, giving me a big o'l grin. That smile made me feel warm inside.

Something about being around these people felt... right. It felt different than when I was with Rei, Ran, Nixy and.... Nayumi. Oh, god I should feel so guilty! And I do, it's just that while I do, I also feel a guilty pleasure about doing this without Nayumi's consent.

"Oh my baby!" Before I knew what was happening, a warm body is against mine, squeezing me pretty tightly.

As I look down I see black hair but in a bun. The person who seemed to be hugging was female--wait, if I just met my brothers and father, does that mean that the woman in my arms was my-


She looks up and I see onyx eyes as well. Now looking at the woman a thought appeared in my head, when I looked in the mirror I could see some relation between the girl I see in the mirror and the woman in my arms. She really must be my mother, if not she at least has to be of some relation to me.

"Oh are you hurt!? Do those bad people hurt you!?" The woman rapidly asked, not giving me a chance to answer.

"Chi-Chi, maybe you should give Suika time to answer your questions." Goku inputed, making my mother yell at him for interrupting.

After a while mother lets out a huff, "Why don't I make you something to eat."

"Yes!" My father cheered, I wanted to tell him that mother was talking to me but since no one corrected him, I decided to keep quiet.

Maybe she was making him lunch as well.


I watched nauseously as my father shoved food after food down his throat. He wasn't the only one, mind you, but he certainty ate the most. The lavender haired boy, whose name I've yet to know sat besides me--eating a proportion of food as well. When he saw the expression that more than likely marries my face, he stopped eting, asking if I was alright. 

"Yeah, I've just never seen anyone eat that much, never actually seen anyone eat something other than fruits." I responded.

"Well, we with Sayian's blood tend to eat a generous amount of food." He declared, smiling at me.

Why does that smile make me feel warm inside?

I looked around the table, watching as family and friends (at least that's what they say they are to me) laughed at each other and with each other, everyone looking happy and content.

Why does this whole "family" experience make me finally feel... right?

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