G Is For Gine

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I was flying around, waiting as someone on intercom told me Ren's exact location. Finally the signal came.

"He's up in the sky, in this one place I think those Sayian's call—the lookout. It's where the earth's guardian lives."

"All right, I'm heading there now," I respond, flying upwards now.

As I fly I first pass a small place where an overly mass human and a cat where at. Knowing that that was not the place, I continue my journey upwards. Soon I began to spot what looked to be a place. Landing on it, I look around my surrounds, making sure that no one tried to attack me by surprise.

"Ren," I cried out, "show yourself!"

A few people, including Ren, came out of one of the buildings. He was at the front, looking like he belonged. How dare he!

"Suika," He greeted.

"Suika? What are you babbling about, my name is Koi!" I shouted annoyed. Taking a deep breath, I continued my speech, "It is decreed by milord Nayumi de Livonia the IV, that you, Ren Yatagomi, are to be killed and shown no mercy."

"He's even told you his full name!" Ren looked to be fuming. "That is so not good!"

"Prepare yourself, traitor, for you shall meet you end at my hands!" Before anyone could react, I flew straight at Ren, my Bo Matsu at my hands.

Luckily for Ren, he was able to dodge my swing in time by ducking. I was not about to give up though: I held Matsu up in the air and swung it downwards, making it hit his head. As he tries to get up, I slam my fist into his side, sending him flying.

"Suika, you mustn't do this, killing him is something you would never do!" A man with dark hair and eyes cries out, his orange Gi glistening in the light.

I ignore the man in favor of attaching
Ren. I must kill him as milord decrees. Suddenly, a man with lavender hair appears, preventing me from reaching Ren. Before I could assess the new opponent two others show up as well. They both looked like the man with the orange Gi.

"Get out of my way, he must parish for for his betrayal to my lordship!" These Sayians were in my way!

"No!" The lavender haired man declared, making my annoyance rise. "I will not allow you to do this, Suika."

"He's right, you can't do this, Suika!"

"Not letting you do that, Suika!"

"Suika, Suika, Suika!" I gritted out infuriated. "I am not this Suika, I am Koi, Koi!"

"No, your birth name is Son Suika, Nayumi has tricked you into believing that Koi is your given name, it is not," Ren proclaimed, getting up from the floor.

"You lie, all of you do. Lord Nayumi has told me all about these Sayians' plan. He told me how they once tricked me into believing that I was one of them, of how my name was Suika, thankfully milord was able to break me out of their spell. I shall not fall for it again. I won't betray my liege!"

"Ko-Suika," Ren look at me with sorrow. Suddenly a memory appeared:


Ren sat on a swing so I followed suit and sat in the swing next to his. For the next few minutes we both eat quietly, just enjoying the view.


He looked content in that moment, as if all his worries suddenly diminished in that instant. He looked... No!

I must fall for it, he is to be killed. I mustn't show him mercy!

"Silence! You shall not pin me against milord, I will not allow it!" I intended to strike him, but the other three soon get in my way.

"You three are such a nuisance, get out of my way!" I hit one of them with Matsu while I kicked the other away, leaving only the lavender haired one.

"Suika, please do not force me to hurt you," Why was he looking at me like that; as if it broke his heart by the mere thought of hurting me?!

Who is this man?!

Snap out of it, Koi! I mustn't let down Nayumi.

Gripping my Bo tightly, I try and hit the man, only for me to miss. As my anger build, I tried and tried to hit the man, be he just dodged all of my attacks, never once trying to hit me. It made my rage boil. How dare he try and make a fool out of me! I put my Bo in the strap on my back and try to fight him fist to fist.

He dodges but his moments aren't as quick as before, I'll hit him with all that I got once he makes a mistake. I just have to be patient. I throw a punch, only to be deflected. I try to kick him, but he manages to jump away. I could feel my agitation rising but try the best I can to keep it at bay.

As I tried to kick him to the left, he made the mistake of leaving his right side open: there! As I threw the punch with a lot of force at him, he suddenly cries out, "Now!".

Right before my punch could make contact, wires wrap around my body, binding me. They weren't just any wires, they were the type that assassins used to kill their prey. I tried breaking free but they just seemed to dig into my
body, cutting the flesh and making me bleed.

"Damn you, let me go!" I struggled to break free: I had to kill Ren!

"I'm sorry Suika, but as long as your under Nayumi's spell we can't take any chances," Ren declared, shaking his head.

"I'm going to kill you!" I cried out in rage.

"Did "milord" ever tell you that he palmed on marrying you," Ren suddenly said.

"... If that is what he decrees then I would do it, it would be an honor to be milord's bride!"

"You don't even love him!" Ren countered.

I was going to say a retort but then suddenly a woman appeared. She stood in front of me. What the-?!

"Who is this woman?! What is she going mto do to me?!" I demanded.

"Woman? What are you babbling about, there is no woman,"

What but-?! What in the world-?!

"They cannot see me Suika. I had finally managed to break into the shield Nayumi has incased you in." The woman stated before she began to talk again. "As for who I am; I am Gine, wife of Bardock, and mother of who these earthlings call Goku." Most likely seeing the deadpanned look on my face, the woman continued. "I am your grandmother, Suika."

She put her hand on my forehead, and suddenly everything went dark.

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