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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗔𝗜𝗥 𝗪𝗔𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗗, but it felt nice against your skin. Letting your jacket drape over the edge of the railing, you turned your head to the side, watching the waves roll against the bank of the Hudson. Arms crossed over your chest, you relaxed, softly releasing a sigh.

You'd been with Echo for almost six years now. It didn't seem like that long, but it had been. You were so caught up in helping them, that you'd lost track of the time. Something you were pretty good at, according to Buck, another vampire. He'd been almost like a father figure to everyone, and very closely resembled James.

It almost felt unreal. You had read in the papers a few weeks ago about a famous doctor in London who recently passed away from cancer. That doctor had been Samantha. Little Samantha, the teeny tiny girl who used to cling to your legs. It was depressing to know the fact that you were cursed enough to outlive them all.

Your attention was turned back when a crown of blonde hair dropped in front of you. Quirking a brow, you watched as Echo dramatically fell on their back, releasing a heavy and exaggerated groan. You uncrossed your arms, slipping your jacket back on.

"What now?" You sighed.

"Aaron Holt's been turned," They groaned. "Fully."

You frowned. "He wasn't before?"

Echo sat up. "No. He was what we call a teeterer. He wasn't fully human nor fully vampire. But as of twenty minutes ago, he is now,"

You offered your hand down to them, pulling them onto their feet. "What else? You're not telling me it all."

Echo sighed. "He killed another affiliation."


"They tried to help him after he turned fully; he was freaking out and panicking. We tried to get him to calm down so that we could explain that we could help him and that he wasn't alone. But he didn't listen. He just...killed everyone," They said. "I managed to slip out."

"Are you hurt?" You ask.

Echo waved their hand, shaking their head. "Anything I got has already healed. I'm just a little sore is all."

"Let's go back, then," You frowned.

"I need you to do something for me," They said, allowing to you lean them against the railing near the harbor.

"Like what? Kill the son-of-a-bitch?"

"No, we're not killing anyone!" They snapped, slapping your stomach, making you grunt. "I need you to prevent someone from dying."

"Like who? I'm sure as not doing it for Holt," You frown, rubbing your stomach where they slapped you.

"No. A doctor named Y/n L/n," They said, making you frown deeper. "She's a doctor at the Queens General Hospital. As far as I know, she's the best bet for finding the cure to this vampirism, and the answer to the sudden outbreak."

"A cure? There is no cure," You said.

"Vex, I know you're the oldest out of this entire city to be a vampire," They said. "And I understand your skepticism, but there's more technology now than there was in your time. It's 1945, not 1885. It's very much possible for a cure to be made, and I think this girl is who is going to do it."

𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱  ⌜𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⌟Where stories live. Discover now