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"𝗬/𝗡 𝗠𝗔𝗬 𝗜  ask you something...a little personal?"

Your eyes opened slowly. Lifting your head, you stared at the man across from you. His face was illuminated by the fire he kept going in order to keep you warm, his amber eyes only seeming to glow along with the flames.

"You only ever ask me personal things," You replied, letting your head dangle over the arm of the plush couch as you closed your eyes again. "But go ahead."

"Would you ever miss me?"

You began to laugh. "Miss you? Are you mad, Brando?"

The blonde looked at, unamused by your laughter. "I'm serious, my dear. I want to know if you would ever miss me."

Your laughter slowly ceased as you began to sit up, facing him as your face began to fall. You frowned at how deathly serious he was. So you sat up on the couch, draping your arm over the back.

"Why would I ever have to miss you?" You asked. "With your way, we'd never be apart."

"Haven't you noticed?" He frowned.

"Noticed what?"

"Things are getting heavy," He said.

"Are you afraid of losing to Jonathan?" You asked, raising your eyebrows. "Just an hour ago, you were boasting of bringing him to the ground."

"It doesn't always mean something won't happen to you," He replied.

"So you're afraid I'll get in the middle of it?" You asked.

"Knowing you," He said, moving to sit on the couch, moving your legs onto his lap. "You never listen to me anyhow."

"I don't belong to you, so why do I have to obey you?" You grinned.

"You don't think you belong to me?" He asked, reaching forward to twist a piece of your hair around his finger.

"I will never belong to you," You said. "I'm not a possession,"

"I feel we've had this conversation before," He chuckled, turning to lean over your body, trapping you between him and the couch. You placed your hand on his bare chest, making him sigh softly at your cold hands.

"Then why have it again?" You asked.

"Because your voice is lovely," He whispered, running his knuckles over your cheek. "Won't you sing for me?"

"Ha!" You laughed. "You've gone mad now, haven't you."

"You sing to your siblings," He said. "Why won't you sing for me? Your voice reminds me of an angel's."

"I do believe you're deaf, darling," You chuckled, shaking your head at him. "I don't sing."

"Just as you as don't dance?" He smirked. "I remember when you told me you didn't know how, but you were better than I was."

"That's because I'm better than you at everything," You grinned.

"Is that so?" He chuckled. "Then tell me, my love, are you better at this?"

He leaned down, pressing his lips against yours. He could feel your lips curl into a smirk, making him press harder, parting your lips with his. You placed your hand on the side of his face, chuckling in the kiss. He was startled when you lifted your head up, deeping the kiss on your own accord. You pulled him closer as you put your hand on the back of his head.

You separated slowly, catching his lips between your teeth as you did. It left them reddened as you leaned back, relaxing under him with a sly grin. Your cheeks were dusted with a blush, but so were Dio's.

"Would you look at that?" You chuckled, tilting your head to the side. "Looks like I won at that too."

"You're very...vexing," He grumbled, leaning his lips over your again.

"It's all in the name, baby,"

Your shared laughter filled the air as Dio sat back, shaking his head at you. You chuckled and sat up, resting your head on your knee. Your gaze landed on Dio's face, watching as his smile began to fade, replaced with a frown and a troubled look as he stared down into the fire.

"What's bothering you?" You found yourself asking, making him turn his head to look at you.

The look on his face vanished as he raised a hand to your face. "Nothing. You don't need to worry about it."

"It's about Jonathan, isn't it?" You asked. "You're worrying about him too much, Dio."

He looked a little surprised when you called him by his first name. "I'm not worrying about him."

"Then what are you worrying about?" You asked, picking at your nails.


"Me?" You lifted your head. "You're worried about me? If you hit your head and became a complete wanker, I can take care of myself."

"You're not as strong as you think," He said. "I easily overpower you, Y/n."

"You're right," You replied. "But I'm faster and swifter. You oafs are heavy on your feet. Especially Jonathan."

"What if they catch you off guard?"

"Then I'll retaliate."

"What if you're swarmed?"

"I've gotten away before."

"What if-–"

"What if, what if, what if," You rolled your eyes, making him frown. "I'll be fine. You need to worry about yourself more than me."

"I care about you," He said.

"Then you trust me?" You said, to which he nodded. "Then trust me. I can take care of myself. And even if you were to fall to Jonathan, I'd still be able to take care of myself. I'm not helpless. I've gotten this far."

"Would you continue?" He asked.

"I don't know," You sighed. "But I wouldn't give up. You're my partner in crime, after all. I wouldn't abandon what our plan was."

"I'd never either," He replied. "The only thing that would ever stop me was death."

You moved around on the couch, leaning into his side. He wrapped his arm around you as you laid your head on his shoulder. It was quiet for a moment, the only sound being the crackling of the fire.

"If you don't go around being a moron," You said softly. "Then your side will never be broken."

"And yours?"

"You'll live forever," You said. "And I won't. The day I break my own pact is the day my heart is ripped from my own chest, and I lay six feet under the ground."

Dio chuckled, playing with the ends of your hair. "Then until then, you and I will always be partners in crime."



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