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Warning: Angsty

𝗬𝗢𝗨 sat at the table, examining the piece of candy in your hands. When you arrived to meet with the Joestars, most of them had already fallen asleep, exhausted from the day of traveling. But Joseph and Caesar were awake when you got there. Your interaction was brief, as you could tell, they too were exhausted. You agreed to talk once both of them had gotten some rest.

However, when you heard footsteps coming down the hall, you lifted your head. "Still heavy on your feet."

"Nothing gets past you," Joseph chuckled tiredly, shuffling into the kitchen.

"Can't sleep?" You asked. Joseph shook his head.

"I'm worried about Holly," He muttered, seating himself at the table after retrieving a glass of water. "Is there any information you can give me?"

You shook your head. "Dio doesn't involve me in his chatter about what he's up to."

"I see," He said. "May I ask you a question?"

"Go for it," You said, draping your arm over the back of the kitchen chair.

"What was your relationship with my grandfather?" Joseph asked. "Granny Erina told me about you before. She said that at one point, you and he were close friends."

You picked at the edge of the table. "In a sense, I loved Jonathan. Not romantically, but as a friend. Where I grew up, I wasn't shown very much kindness. Jonathan changed that. He showed me what it was like to have a friend. One that actually cared about me."

Joseph watched as a smile crossed over your features, a small chuckle escaping your lips. This surprised him.

"Old sod used to follow me around the slums of London. He was always dressed so nicely, so people liked to target him. He was robbed more times than I can count, yet he still followed me around like a pup looking for its master. He begged me to teach him how to fight. One day, I gave in," You said, your smile beginning to fade. "Jonathan was a good friend. He taught me how to trust again. He showed me kindness that I had never been shown before. He risked everything to bring me to his father so that he could call a doctor for my injuries. Truth be told, had he not, I would have died from infection. He saved my life that day."

"So why did you end your friendship?" Joseph asked. "Granny said that you shouted things at him and left, and the next time he saw you, you were with Dio."

"He was too nice..too nice to be around someone like me. I saw the good nature inside of Jonathan, and I knew that if our friendship continued, that good nature would end," You replied softly. "I saw the good in him, and I knew that others needed to see that as well. I couldn't taint his kindness with things he would have seen running around with me. Those things I said to him...I still regret them to this day. But I knew I had to be harsh in order for my point to get across to him. If not, he would have just chased after me like he had done before. I did it to protect him."

"Why go after Dio then?" He asked.

You brought your foot onto the chair. "As much as I hated to admit it, Dio and I already had so many things in common. His soul was already tainted, so there was nothing that I could do to ruin it. He made me an offer that I couldn't pass up."

"Stealing our family fortune?"

You nodded. "The original plan Dio had made out had nothing to do with the mask. That came later. But, I needed the money, so I did what he asked me. When I stole the mask, I read the notes that Jonathan had written about them, and I knew then what Dio's plan was. I was going to leave there; the money wasn't worth risking that much for. But..."

𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱  ⌜𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⌟Where stories live. Discover now