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Warning: jesus christ i don't even know where to start. Explicit gore, blood, blood, blood, angst, descriptive gore, nudity(?). Vex is heartless and I think they need a warning.

This chapter will be rated R. Please proceed with caution and don't read this if you are squeemish.

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗥𝗢𝗔𝗗 that had once been swarming with people during the day, now stood eerily empty. The sky was dark, the clouds covering the misty light of the moon. The street lamps had no light shining from them, leaving the block in darkness. The air was silent, only the wind whistling as it blew past the buildings and continued on.

The scent of iron was heavy in the air. He could see the multiple paths of blood that covered the streets, all of which led to the same place. He walked along the path at his feet, frowning at the mix of droplets and smears. Whoever this blood belonged to, they had been dragged along the road to their final destination.

Though, he couldn't describe what he felt when the trail led directly to the gates of his own mansion. The stone walkway was splattered in the dark substance, and the viridian blades of grass soaked a deep crimson. But what caught his attention wasn't the paths that led to the front doors, nor the blood that seeped over the steps, not the creaking of the open gates, or the distant cry of the birds in the distance. No.

A woman's decapitated head rested on the center spike of the black gates that led into the home. Her face was paper white, almost seeming transparent as the veins under her eyes were visible, though they seemed faded. The white of her eyes showed as her irises had remained permanently glued to the back of her skull. Her mouth hung open, her jaw unnaturally shifted to the side. The blood that poured from the base of her neck ran down along the metal spikes, dripping to pool on the concrete under it.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Hol Horse murmured, lifting his hand to his mouth and nose to try and block the heavy metallic scent.

"My Lord," Vanilla Ice began.

Dio ignored him and walked through the open gates. Blood splashed under his feet as he walked briskly to the front doors. He grabbed the handles, shoving them both open in a swift motion. He froze in the doorway, his eyes widening.

Bodies hung from the ceiling, strung up by the ropes looped around their necks, which were tied to the rafters above them. The ropes creaked and groaned and some of them swayed, caused by the draft from the doors opening.

All of the bodies that hung before him were human. He could tell by the smell that lingered in the air that none of them belonged to any of the other vampires in the mansion. But what had set them apart was their gender. Every corpse that hung there was female. And each of them were naked.

The source of the blood had come from these women, there was no doubt about it. They all looked as if they'd been beaten brutally, covered in scrapes, cuts, or bruises. They varied in height, skin color, hair color, and physique. No two women were the same. Their wounds varied as well, though, he noticed each of them had the same wound.

The bottom part of their stomachs had been slashed open, and under each of them, an organ lay.

"What the fuck is this?" Hol Horse choked out, stepping back.

"Well? How's this for development?"

Dio's gaze shot to the stairway. His eyes followed the streams of blood that trickled over the steps, following their path to the top. His lips parted when he saw you standing there, your hands at your sides. He couldn't see you clearly because of the shadows, the darkness encasing your figure like a blanket.

𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱  ⌜𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⌟Where stories live. Discover now