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"𝗜'𝗠 𝗚𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗢 𝗚𝗘𝗧 these guys back and get them a nice place to rest," Buck said, making you look back over your shoulder. He lifted two figures up easily, facing you with a small frown. "Don't go back in until I come back. This won't take me long."

"It won't take me long either," You replied. "I'll be done before your fatass gets back."

"You're gonna think that when my fatass beats the fuck out of you," He said. "I'm serious, Vex. Don't go in there by yourself. It doesn't matter how fast you are, you'll be outnumbered and overwhelmed."

"I can handle myself, gibface," You rolled your eyes. 

"Vex, I will shove my foot up your ass. Just stay put for five minutes. It won't kill you," Buck said. "I'll be right back."

"Whatever, ratbag," You muttered, leaning against the wall as Buck flashed away, taking the two figures with him. 

You'd been tipped off about Aaron Holt being around this way, and when you'd come to investigate, Buck was already here. You helped him finish off a couple of thugs before he gave the little speech he just did. 

You were surprised he beat you here, seeing as the sun had just set about a half-an-hour ago. It was only about 8:30 P.M, which means there were still people lining the streets. They passed by the alley you were standing in, stepping aside when they saw your hooded figure looming down the way. 

However, your attention was turned away when you heard a commotion going on in the building you were supposed to go in with Buck whenever he got back. The scent of blood rose in your nose, making you narrow your eyes. You looked around; where was Buck? It had been longer than five minutes. 

Buck would get over it. 

Walking forward, you looked around before slipping into the cracked door. Immediately, you saw the figure on the ground, and the second figure crouched beside him. Your eyes narrowed at the familiar faces. 

"You've got to be kidding me," You said, making both of them look up at you. 

"Vex?" Joseph asked, squinting his eyes. 

"What in the hell are you two doing in here?" You demanded, walking towards them. "This place is eaten up with vampires. And you're bleeding, were you attacked?" 

"No, dumbass fell and cut his hand," Caesar said. 

"You need to stop the bleeding," You said. "I could smell it from outside, meaning the fuckers in here can definitely smell it. Let's go. Buck should be get--"

"Leaving so soon?"

At the sound of the voice, you lifted your head, stepping in front of both men. Your gaze fell on Aaron, who was standing above you on a metal catwalk. Surrounding him, hundreds of other vampires sat, drooling and snarling. Your eyes narrowed into thin slits and your hand inched towards your side. 

"I've just gathered you all here, and you're going to leave before you even give me a chance to say hello," He smirked. "It's very rude not to allow me to speak, or even introduce you to our guests."

"The two of you backslang it," You said, looking over your shoulder. "Now."

"Backslang it?" Joseph said. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Fucking moron--run!" You yelled, the mass of vampires rushing at you at once. You quickly jumped up, grabbing onto the metal pole above you before lifting yourself up. Aaron smirked, watching you climb up towards him. 

"Judging by your old slang and accent, you must be the old British fossil everyone is chattering about," He said. 

"I'm not that fucking old, prick," You muttered, pulling the blade out from your side. "And if I'm the talk of the town, then you should be a little less egotistical. The last time I saw you, I knocked you out in less than a minute. Want to see how fast I can do it this time?"

"Nice try," He chuckled, snapping his fingers. "But this time, I'm not playing fair."

You were gone before the vampires he sent at you could even touch you. Your hand curled around his throat, and he was quick to do the same. You jammed your blade between his ribs, making him do the same. You tightened your grip on his throat, making him do the same. 

You growled in frustration. Now it was just a game of uncle; who would back out first? You could feel his blood running down your arm, and grinned when his face twisted in pain. However, before either of you could do anything else, you heard a startled yell from under you. 

You cursed and you pulled your blade from Aaron's chest, backing up to look down over the catwalk. You watched as Joseph was slammed up against a wall, and Caesar was swarmed. 


"Tell me, Vex," Aaron said, making you look back at him. 

You froze when you heard a groan. Not from a human. But from metal. Your eyes went wide as you slowly looked down. 

"Are you afraid of heights?"

You yelled in surprise as you fell back, the middle of the catwalk splitting and breaking into two pieces. You lost your footing, making you slide back until your back slammed against the metal railing on the opposite end. You tried to stand, but froze when it jerked. 

You cursed under your breath before shifting around. Pressing your feet to the bars, you jumped up as the rest of it broke, grabbing onto the ledge still intact. You felt pieces of rebar and metal pierce through your hand, but you still held on. 

You struggled, suspended in the air. Fuck, you weren't wearing your gloves, and your hands were covered in blood, making it hard to get a grip on anything. You tried to pull yourself up but stopped when you were met with a set of hazel eyes. 

For a moment, you didn't see hazel eyes. No. You saw amber ones. 

And you let your guard down. 


Aaron shoved you from the edge. And Caesar, who was using Hamon, hadn't seen you slip from above him. It was only when Joseph sharply cried out, but even then, it was too late. 

They both shouted out in surprise, but their voices were drowned out by your scream. It was almost like being struck with electricity, except it was much hotter, much more painful. You've never been in this kind of pain, not even when half of a building had collapsed on you. No, this hurt so much more. 

"Vex!" Joesph screamed. 

"FUCK!" You screamed, your voice wavering as you clutched your side. "Fuck, fuck!"

"Shit, fuck!" Joseph yelled, running towards you. You looked up, your eyes widening when you saw the catwalk break off. 

"Move!" You yelled, struggling to find your footing. You ignored your own pain and ran forward. But you were too late. 

The catwalk came crashing down, trapping all three of you under it.


𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱  ⌜𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⌟Where stories live. Discover now