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𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗙𝗘𝗘𝗧 were kicked onto the kitchen table, your arms folded across your chest. All of the lights in the home were off, and all of the other occupants were fast asleep. Echo and Buck had been hesitant, but after you assured them you'd stay and watch over the house, they caved and retreated to their bedrooms for much-needed rest.

You twisted the dagger around in your hands, blankly staring at the wall. Your mind was constantly wandering, your thoughts jumbling together to the point where you couldn't think straight. But one thing stuck out to you. Dio had betrayed you. After everything he had said to you, he betrayed what trust you'd given to him.

But, what could you have expected? You knew Dio better than anyone could have. You were the only one he allowed close to him. In the back of your mind, that fear of him betraying you had always been there. After all, you were only supposed to help him steal the fortune. You were never supposed to stay as long as you had.

Had he gotten bored of you? Bored because of your lack of intimacy? You weren't oblivious to the sexual desire that resonated in people's minds. You had just never cared for it. You saw what had happened to women in the streets, or even in their own homes. It was never something you were interested in.

Was it because of your appearance? The plethora of scars that tainted your skin? You had always tried never to get caught, but it always seemed like the universe hated you. You always tried to keep them clean of infection, and maybe with the proper treatment and not just shitty bandages made from old clothes and using liquor as a disinfectant, perhaps they wouldn't have turned out the way they did. You hated when people would see them because it always made questions arise, so you kept them hidden behind clothing and wraps.

From one factor or another, Dio hadn't been truthful with you. You tried to tell yourself that it was just a slip in his consciousness, a slip in what mind he had left. But even then, you couldn't justify his infidelity. He had done it under your nose.

The thought made anger rise in you. Your fingers curled around the hit of the dagger tighter as your eyebrows furrowed together. Just imagining him with another woman was making your blood boil. How fucking dare he? You had been with him for the past five years, and this boy was only four.


Your grip on the blade loosened as you lowered your hand, turning your head toward the hall. Atticus shuffled forward, holding his blanket around his shoulders as he rubbed at his eyes. You returned the blade to your side, removing your feet from the table as he sauntered to you.

"What is it?" You asked. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I wanted to make sure you weren't lonely," He said, holding his arms up. You quirked a brow.

"What do you want, child?" You hummed. He huffed before climbing into your lap, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Why are you so angry, Y/n?" He asked. "Is it because of my father?"

You fixed the blanket around his shoulders. "It's nothing that you need to concern yourself with."

"Did you really mean what you said?" He asked, his hands now playing with the chain your pocket watch resided on. "About not letting him hurt us?"

"One thing that you will learn," You said. "Is that I always stay true to my word."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that I won't lie," You brushed your hand along his back. "Now sleep. You'll be grouchy if you don't."

Atticus nodded. It didn't take long for him to drift off in your arms, his head nestled under your chin. He still held part of the chain in one of his hands, the other holding onto your hoodie. He slept soundly, even when Echo and Buck emerged from their rooms.

Echo smiled when they saw the boy cradled against your chest. "I vaguely remember you telling me that you hated children, Y/n."

"I suppose I may have a soft spot," You mumbled. "Children are almost always innocent. They get caught up in things that they shouldn't."

You stood, carefully holding the boy before moving to the couch, kneeling as you laid him down. He shifted around but settled after a moment, still asleep. You stood up and returned to the kitchen, seating yourself at the table as Echo and Buck sat across from you.

"Y/n," Echo said, making you flick your gaze to them. "There's something else on your mind. What is it?"

You crossed your arms over your chest. "I won't kill Dio."

"You've chased after him your entire life. We searched for years to finally locate him. He has hurt you time and time again," Echo frowned deeply.

Buck narrowed his eyes. "Move your head."

You closed your eyes and tipped your head to the side, showing the mark embedded into your neck. You heard both of them gasp, and when you opened your eyes, they were heavy with a glare.

"I won't kill Dio," You stated. "Instead, I'm going to make him regret everything."

"Don't do anything stupid," Echo shook their head. "Y/n, don't play into his hands."

"It's what he expects the least," You chuckled. "I've been so stubborn, so resilient, so rebellious against him. The last thing he will expect is for me to do exactly what he wants me to."

"You're a fool," Buck frowned.

"Maybe so," You replied. "But I know what I am capable of."

"Why don't you just kill him and end all of this?!" Echo exclaimed. "You have to end this madness, Y/n!"

"As much as I have said it," You closed your eyes as you lowered your head. "I cannot kill Dio. My love for him is far greater than my hatred. And while I cannot forgive him for what he's done, I can't kill him for it. But...I will show him what it feels like."

"What are you going to do?" Buck asked, a warning tone in his voice.

"I will no longer hold back. If Dio wants a monster like him, I will become worse than him."

𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘: 16 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗘 2023

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