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"𝗜 𝗗𝗢 𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗩𝗘  you look at the time too much, darling,"

You didn't have to lift your gaze to know who had come into the room, but, you looked up to watch the feeble man enter. Speedwagon offered you a smile as he walked into the room, leaning against his cane for support. He walked towards the table you sat at.

"I don't have much of it," You replied. "There's only so long before things will start to turn to hell."

"Well," The man said, grabbing the bottom of the board that the map resided on. "Let's not worry about that right now."

You watched as he flipped it around, hiding it from your view. You sat back in the chair, snapping your pocket watch shut with a click. Speedwagon sat beside you, sighing in content.

"It's late, Robert," You said, staring at the surface of the table. "You should get some rest."

"I'm afraid I can't seem to fall asleep," He said. "So I thought I'd keep you some company."

"I do not need company," You said, playing with your own nails.

"Then do you wish to be alone?"

You didn't reply, so he stayed.

"You've constructed a plan, haven't you?" Speedwagon asked, watching you slump down in your seat, extending your legs under the table.

"I've had my plan," You stated. "It's just a matter of putting it into place at the right moment."

"And do you know when you need to do it?" He asked.

"It's not me," You said, closing your eyes as you leaned your head against your fist. "It's all up to this wonder-girl."

"You don't seem to like her," Speedwagon said.

"She's a church bell."

"You never were one for talkative women," He chuckled. "I remember when you'd sit and pout in the tavern when Eli would run off with one."

"I would not pout," You huffed, turning your head to look at him.

"Sure, sure," He said, making you wave your hand dismissively at him.

"You're just a crazy old man,"

"Then let this crazy old man tell you some advice," He said, turning his head to look at you. "You mustn't rush into any of this. You'll end up making a mistake that you will regret."

"I've made many mistakes I regret," You replied. "A few more will not soil my spirit."

"You obviously do not know yourself very well," He said.

"What does that mean?" You demanded, resting your hand on the table.

"I will not say you are easily discouraged, but...you do have quite a temper on you," He said. "You don't handle things very well."

"Do you blame me for that?" You grumbled.

"Not exactly," He said. "But.."

"I know where you're going, Robert," You sighed.

"If you know," He said. "Then listen to me."

"I don't know what you expect me to do," You muttered, watching him place his hand over yours.

"Whatever you feel is right," He said, looking over at you.

"What's the right thing supposed to be?' You scoffed, shaking your head.

"That's for you to decide," He said. "Not me. If you feel you need to leave now, then so be it. These band of goons can handle this on their own."

"They'll be killed before they solve anything," You mumbled.

"Then stay," He said. "The decision is, and always will be, yours. This your judgement. You know him better than anyone else on this Earth."

You rubbed your hand over your mouth. "He's not moving yet. He's...inching...his way forward. He won't come out plainly and attack."

"He's building his strength back up," Speedwagon stated softly.

"I'll let him," You said, making the old man turn to face you.


"I'll let Dio build up the rest of his strength," You said. "And then I'll laugh in his face when I kill him."

Speedwagon paused for a moment before chuckling. "My, you haven't changed a bit, have you? Building people up just to break them down."

"Learned from the best," You grinned, glancing at him in the corner of your eye. Though, your amusement didn't last long. Speedwagon noticed.

"Do you know if you truly can kill him?" He asked. You sighed heavily.

"I don't....I don't know," You huffed out, rubbing your hand over your eyes.

"Such a strange thing," He hummed.

"What?" You said.

"Love," He replied. "Sometimes it makes you kill for your lover, and other times, it makes you kill your lover."

"Is that why you've stayed single your entire life?" You mused, looking over at him.


"I was for sure you and that dame were going to get married," You said.


"Emily...? No. Isabella? Elizabeth?" You pondered.

"Eliza!" He said, looking over at you. "Ah, yes. That was a very beautiful woman. But, she wanted me to completely change my ways of living, and I knew I couldn't do that."

"A shame, really," You said. "Then perhaps you wouldn't be in this mess."

"I wouldn't have it any either way," He said. "You'd be dead without me."

"I've managed this far," You laughed.

"By the thin shred of what will you have left," He chuckled.

"I don't even think I have that," You said. "It's just...soley my rage to kill Dio."

"Don't worry," He said, patting your hand as he stood up. "Your time will come for that."

"It only seems that time is my mortal enemy at this point," You said.

"That may be," He said, heading towards the door. "But even though you've struggled with lady luck your whole life, but I'm sure that Time will pull through for you."

You laughed bitterly.

"I can only hope."


𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱  ⌜𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⌟Where stories live. Discover now