12. 𝗢𝗟𝗗

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𝗔𝗛, 𝗬𝗢𝗨'𝗩𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 sooner than I expected,"

At the sound of the familiar voice, you could feel your throat tighten. You closed your eyes, pinching yourself in the arm to make sure you weren't actually dreaming. When you opened your eyes and saw everything was the same, you knew this was not your mind playing tricks on you. 

"I've analyzed Daniel's blood and I--"

He cut himself off when he saw you. You watched as his eyes widened, recognition washing over his face. 

"How long has it been?" You said quietly, not really knowing how to greet him after so long. "Fifty-something years?"

"I...don't believe it," He whispered. "Vex?"

You reached up, pulling the hood down from your face. When his gaze found the scar on your lip, he knew that it truly was you. He would know. He was the one to give it to you.

"Hello, Robert," You smiled softly, eyebrows lacing together in relief. "You've gotten old, mate."

He grabbed you by your shoulders, yanking you against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, making you accept his embrace. You placed your forehead onto his shoulder, eyebrows furrowing together. 

"My God," He breathed. "Jojo and I were sure you died that day when you'd fallen."

"It's not that easy to get rid of me," You said, both of you pulling away. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked, placing his hand on your head, flattening your hair down, just like he did as you were younger.

"I figured I'd give some more aid to the Joestars," You said, placing your hands back into your pockets before glancing back at Y/n, Caesar, and Joseph. 

"Look," Y/n said. "I hate to be the one to break up the reunion, but--"

"Aaron Holt," You said, facing her. "Bigshot. Egotistical. Intelligent. And a prick. He got turned by some lowlife a few weeks ago. When some of the others tried to comfort him and give him some advice to lead a semi-normal life, he flipped his shit. He massacred everyone around him in a fit of rage and appointed himself as some sort of 'leader' among the thugs. He spewed on about some bullshit about an ex-girlfriend or something like that and said he was going to get back at her. From what I've been told so far, I'm assuming you're the ex-girlfriend."

She collapsed in the chair, dropping her head into her hands, heaving a tired sigh. "Yeah, I am. He's the one who's been doing this?" She asked, looking up at you. 

"He's trying to scare you," You said. 'He's going to do everything to get under your skin, whether it be attacking you, or the people around you. The doctor was only the beginning."

"What are you implying?" Caesar asked, frowning at you. 

"I'm not implying anything," You said, making the tension in the room rise. "I'm telling you what's going to happen. If you have family, I suggest keeping a close eye on them."

"Daniel was already attacked," She muttered. 

"But that was someone different," Joseph said. "It was a different vampire, wasn't it?"

The name clicked in your mind. "You're talking about the two boys by the harbor?"

"Don't tell me you were there too?" Caesar said. 

"Holt is sending people after your family," You said. "Who's left? Anyone?"

"M-My dad," She muttered, and you watched her fight back a yawn. If she hadn't made it evident she was tired before, she did now.

"First thing in the morning, check on him," You frowned. 

"Why not now?" Speedwagon asked, looking at you strangely. 

"Because this girl is going to pass out from exhaustion if she stands back up," You scoffed. "Look at her, she can't even hardly keep her eyes open. Go home. We'll figure things out from here."

"N-No," She argued. "I want to help--"

You stepped forward, catching her as she swayed. "No. You need to get rest," You said. "Come back once you've gotten some sleep. Anything we tell you now is just going to go in one ear and out the other. You won't be able to focus in your state."

"Come on, Y/n, Vex is right," Caesar said. "You've been up practically all day. You said so yourself, you've had a rough day."

Once she had caved, the three left, leaving you and Speedwagon alone. When the door shut, he placed a hand on your shoulder, making you turn back to him. He placed everything aside, and cupped your face in his palms, making your eyes widen at the tears that had welled up in his eyes. 

"It feels unreal," He said. "I was sure...we searched for days, but we never found you...to think that you were down there...for so many years..how are you here, Y/n?"

"The mask fell onto my face when I fell," You answered softly. "I activated it with the blood from my hand on accident. I woke up in 1904."

"You've been alive for 39 years?" He whispered. 

"I thought everyone was dead," You said, allowing Speedwagon to pull you back into his chest. You wrapped your arms around him, laying your forehead on his chest. 

"I can't imagine your pain," He said, holding you tightly. "Oh, Y/n. I can't believe this is true, you're really alive. And somehow, we've found each other."


"Hey, kiddo! What's with the long face?"

Looking up, you watched the blonde male plant himself across from you, sliding a glass towards you. You caught it before it could slide off the table. 

"Elijah ditched me to stroll around with some church bell," You muttered. 

"Ah, he's at the age is he?" Speedwagon inquired, scratching his chin. "Well, it's a bit of relief to have him away, isn't it? The boy follows you around everywhere."

"I suppose," You said. "But I needed him today. We had a contract from Kaliah."

"A contract, eh?" He quirked a brow, leaning forward. "How 'bout this? You and I do it together, and you'll take 3/4 of the cut."

"Really?" You asked. Speedwagon nodded. 

"I'll even take you down by the stables and let you ride around on Mello," He said, watching your face brighten. 

"Okay!" You said, climbing down from the stool. You flipped your hood up. "Let's go!"

Speedwagon had always been there. Always. He was the one to watch out for you in the streets. From when you were six until the very last day the two of you saw each other. 

Perhaps it's the reason you felt hot tears sliding down your cheeks. You didn't understand it at first, but the soothing words and gentle touches from the man were enough to let your walls crumble down. 

"It's alright, Y/n," He whispered, as you choked out a quiet sob, your eyes falling shut as the tears clumping your lashes fell over your cheeks. Your fingers dug into his jacket, your chin on his shoulder as you cried. 

"Shh," He soothed. "It's alright. I've got you. You're okay, love."


𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱  ⌜𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⌟Where stories live. Discover now