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𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗗𝗢𝗢𝗥 𝗜𝗡 𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗧 of you opened, the boy inside sat up, confusion washing over his face when he saw you. Speedwagon followed soon after, and the girl after him.

"Daniel," His sister said, walking from behind you. "This is Vex. They're a vampire, and they've agreed to help you."

"Help me?" He said. "How do you expect to help me?"

"You're not fully turned," You said, making all of them look to you. "You're a teeterer."

"A teeterer?" Speedwagon echoed.

"Someone who isn't a vampire, but isn't human either," You clarified, walking forward. "Aaron Holt was a teeterer before he was fully turned a few weeks ago. Open your mouth. I can tell everything just by your teeth."

Daniel did as you told him, opening his mouth. You moved his head, studying the shape of his canines. Behind you, Speedwagon and his sister anxiously awaited for whatever you had to say.

"They're not even sharp enough to cut my finger," You said, turning away from him to face both people. "He's barely turned. The antidote you gave him must have slowed the process down. But it doesn't mean that he won't get the cravings. His tongue is paler than normal, and you can see the veins in his face here. His blood flow is ceasing, which means it won't be long before he gets his first craving."

"W-What happens when I get a craving?" Daniel asked, looking up at you. You frowned slightly at the fear in his eyes.

"When you get your first craving, you'll want to kill anything and everything that comes into your path," You replied, leaning against the counter, crossing your arms over your chest. "When you get a craving, it takes all you have to keep from hurting someone, especially if you've been starved. To prevent your craving, you need to have at least 3 oz of blood every other day."

"Y-You mean I have to drink people's blood?" He said, his voice wavering.

"No," You said. "There're other alternatives. I don't drink human blood, and neither do most of the vampires in my affiliation."

"Then how do you make it stop?" Daniel asked.

"Animal blood," You replied. "It's not as strong as human blood, but it satisfies you long enough to keep moving and not tear everything in your path out. However, when you drink animal blood, you'll be weak for the first couple of months. Your body has to become accustomed to ingesting blood that isn't your's and doesn't even belong in the anatomical structure. And a forewarning, it's nastier than hell."

"W-Where would I even get it?" He asked.

"A butcher," You said. "But I'll be able to supply you with what you need. For now, drink this."

Pulling a small vial from your pocket, you pushed off the counter, leaving the cap resting there. Daniel looked uneasy as you approached, swirling the red liquid around.

"I'm going to ask that both of you step back," You said, turning to look at the two who stood beside him. "The first taste always goes rough."

Doing as asked, Speedwagon grabbed the girl before stepping back. "What are you going to do to him?" She asked, frowning at you.

You didn't reply. Instead, you grabbed Daniel by his jaw, forcing his mouth open before tipping the vial back, and forcing his mouth shut. You could feel him gagging as you held your hand over his mouth.

"Don't spit it out," You ordered. "Swallow."

Daniel thrashed his head, breaking your grip. He quickly spat it out onto the bed, coughing and gagging. However, before anyone could move, you'd stopped them.

"He swallowed some," You said. "So don't get any closer to him."

His pupils dilated then shrunk as he shook his head. He blinked hard a few times before shakily raising a hand to his mouth, wiping the blood from his lips. In a quick flash, he'd lunged at you, making Speedwagon cry out. But it died out in his throat as you swiftly moved around him, wrapping an arm around his throat, locking it in place with your other arm.

"Easy," You scolded when his sister tried to move forward. "He didn't ingest enough to satisfy his craving. But now that he's gotten it into his system, he's going to want more. Just trust me."

She seemed uneasy but nodded nonetheless. You took another vial out and tipped Daniel's head back, pulling the cork out with your teeth before sticking the vial into his mouth, dumping the contents down his throat. You held his mouth shut, and this time, you didn't let him push your hand away.

After you made sure he'd swallowed it, you hit the pressure point in his neck, making him fall unconscious in your arms. You placed him onto the bed before picking up the discarded vial, replacing their caps on them.

"It should keep him at bay for about a few more days," You said. "It wasn't enough to suit him for a week, but it'll do for now."

"Vex, thank you so much," The girl said, sighing with relief. "It's just one thing after another. Joseph and Caesar getting hurt, and Daniel with this..I just--"

"Relax," You said. "I'll handle the dealings with your brother. You worry about those two oafs. Go home and get some rest, you look exhausted, Doctor."

"Y/n," She said.

"I know what your name is, Prissy," You said.

"O-Oh," She cleared her throat. "I'll see you both later, then."

You watched as she waved, then left the room, soon disappearing down the hall. When she was gone, you turned to Speedwagon.

"Why does that girl have the exact same name as me, and looks exactly the same as I do?" You questioned.

"I presume it's mere coincidence," Replied the male. "You and this Y/n have no genetic connection whatsoever. Believe me, I've done my research."

"It's odd," You stated, crossing your arms over your chest.

"What? That the two of you are so similar?" He asked.

"Yes, we were both involved with egotistical lawyers who became vampires in search of more power," You said. "I believe I'm beginning to see a trend."

Speedwagon patted your shoulder as he walked past you. "Then let's hope we can end this trend here, and this poor lass doesn't have to suffer through the same things you are. God knows we cannot have two of you running around."

"Yeah...wait. What the hell is that supposed to mean, Speedwagon?" You said, turning to face him.

"Sorry, what was that?" He asked, cupping a hand over his ear.

"Oh don't you even try that you old bastard."

"Sorry, you'll have to speak up! I'm quite old you know!"


"Oi! That's not nice, ya hornswoggler!"

"I'll show you not nice, ya fuckin' moron."


𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱  ⌜𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⌟Where stories live. Discover now