Chapter 4

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Picture of Hannah----> (Sarah Hyland)

Two Weeks Later...

[Nick's POV]

Wow. Phoenix has been my roommate for 3 weeks. Amazing; we've gotten to know each other pretty well. We've gotten pretty hot and heavy... I'm kidding. We're enjoying each other's company. I like that he's really smart and fun to be around. I enjoy his hotness the most. He is really fit and tops all the boys in this school. I bet they all want him. He would find out I wanted him too if he was only gay...

You must wonder why I haven't told him that I like him. Well first of all he's not gay. Second, I do not know how to tell him that I like him. My friends would think I was a total idiot if they found out I was too scared to tell a guy that I like him. I wouldn't even know how to start. He's so fit and makes me really nervous. I try to be as normal as possible when he's around, but it can get a bit frustrating at times. All this sexual frustration is building up. I can't stop thinking about him. 

He's in class now. I'm in the dorms because my 3rd period class got cancelled. This free time has given me a lot of time to think. 

Phoenix seems to be adjusting to Oxford pretty well. I hear him talk in his sleep sometimes and I'll find him crying. I don't wake him because I don't want him to be embarrassed. I know Oxford isn't Galveston, but I'll try my best to make him feel as comfortable as possible.

He's such a sweet guy. It saddens me to see him cry. I wish he had someone here that is a close friend of his. His Parents, his cousin or Hannah. They all seem like great people. Phoenix has told me so much about them. He loves his cousin Jason and Hannah like his siblings. It’s like really nice and reminds me of my siblings; makes me think about how much I miss them. 

I'm a bit worried because Phoenix hasn't come out of his room today.

[Phoenix's POV]

 Ugh... I don't want to get out of bed today. I feel sick, homesick that is. I can't believe my parents sent me so far away. It makes me want to hate them, but I can't. I miss them too much. I wonder if they even miss me. 

I know that I should get up, shower, and eat something but I really don't want to. Thank goodness it's Saturday. Nicky must be worried about me but I don't want to speak to anyone. Well maybe one person- Hannah and maybe Jason. Mostly Hannah; she always knows exactly what to say that I feel better. I guess I can text her since I don't want to speak to anyone.

Text Conversation...

To: Hannah Bear

What are you doing hoe? (;

From: Hannah Bear

Nothing, why?

To: Hannah Bear

Can I tell you something?

From: Hannah Bear

What's wrong, Feenie Bear? );

To: Hannah Bear

I miss you. I miss everyone. ); Why can't you be here with me?

From: Hannah Bear

I miss you too. Wish I was there too. Everyone is always talking about you and I can't understand why you would abandon them. );

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