Chapter 27

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At Phoenix and Nick's Dorm...

[Hannah's POV]

(Nick unlocks door.)

Nick: "Babe, we're home." (Phoenix comes over to him.)

Phoenix: "Ryan is finally here." (He smiles)

We walk to the living room and... Oh my God! Renly is back! That freak is back. This cannot be happening. I thought only Ryan was coming for Spring Break. I think I might faint.

Ryan: "Hello little sister!" (Hugs her and Hannah hugs him back.)

Renly: "Hey! I get a hug too!" (Steals her away and everyone laughs.) "Aren't you glad to have me back. I know you've missed me." (He whispers into Hannah's ear.)

"Of course." (She whispers backs as shivers run down her spine.)

I think I'm going to barf right now. (She pulls back.) 

Nick: "Hannah, let's start cooking, yeah."

"Sure." (Head to the kitchen.)

Nick: We'll be in the kitchen, so stay out." (He's serious. Loves his cooking.)

(In the privacy of the kitchen.)

"Did you know Renly was coming?" (Bites lip.)

Nick: "No. Phoenix and I had no idea. It's a surprise to both of us."

"Oh okay. I was just wondering."

Nick: "Are you alright hun? You look a bit pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'm probably just hot. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll put cold water on my face to cool off."

Nick: "Okay."

In the bathroom...

(Starts to throw up continuously.)

I can't believe that perve is here. He makes me so angry. (Slams fist against the sink.) (Breathes heavily.)

That bastard give me anxiety. (Throws up again.)

How am I suppose to survive this week without combustin? I have to be really careful; make sure Phoenix doesn't notice that I'm uncomfortable with Renly around. He knows me too well and will notice if I'm a bit off. I have to be as natural as possible for his sake.

You can do this Hannah. Come on, you're brave. (Washes mouth and heads back to kitchen.)

Phoenix: "Hey sweetheart. Are you okay. Nick said that you were a bit pale."

"I'm fine. I just felt a little hot that's all."

Phoenix: "Are you getting sick?" (Puts palm on Hannah's forehead.)

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. Now go back and entertain our guests." (Fakes smiles)

Phoenix: "Alright. I'll leave." (Blows a kiss at Hannah.)

I blow a kiss back and smile as natural as possibly. This is called acting for Gosh sakes! 

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