Chapter 6

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[Phoenix's POV]

It's been three days since I had my emotional breakdown. Hannah was such a sweet friend. She even cried; my poor baby. I didn't want her to see like that but I couldn't help it. I think I cried more that day than any other time in my life. I didn't know I would get so emotional. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't in my life. She has such a beautiful heart.

Hannah: "Feenie Bear! Where are you?"

"In the bathroom. I'm washing my face. I'll be out in a minute."

Hannah: "Okay because breakfast is ready!"

"Okay! Thanks."

I head over to the table and guess who's there. Nick. I haven't spoken to him in nearly a week. I feel bad but really, what does he expect. Well, he doesn't know what's wrong with me so he can't expect anything.

Nick: "Hey Phoenix. You having a good morning mate?"


I sat down awkwardly. Ugh How does he look so damn good, this early in the morning? It's 7 AM for geesh sakes. I tried to fix myself as best as possible, but there is so much I can do.

Nick: "Hungry?"

"Not really."

Hannah: "Here's breakfast boys. Enjoy, complements of the chef. Meaning Moi!" (she smiles)

"Thanks babe."

Nick: "Thank you Hannah. It looks delicious."

Hannah: "Well thank you. I hope you like it."

Hannah is being too sweet. This is so not like her. She barely ever cooks, like ever! Hmm.. She finally sits down and starts eating. 

"Wow Hannah. You cooked..." (smirks)

Hannah: "Shut up... I cook. Sometimes... Leave me alone" (whines)

Nick: "I think it tastes wonderful. You should definitely cook more often." (Smiles)

Hannah: "Thank you. At least someone appreciates me." (She looks at me with a glare)

Silly little girl; she knows her glares have no affect on me. She can't make me feel guilty. 

"Your glares don't affect me darling."

Hannah: "Whatever ,you know they do." (Smiles)

Hannah: "So where are we going today?"

"Nick and I are going to class while you either go sight seeing or stay here by yourself."

Hannah: "Humph... I'm going out. You know I can't be in one place for too long."

"Okay. I'm done here. I'm going for my things. Try to be good for once."

Hannah: "I'll try boo."


I go to grab my things and head towards first period Calculus. Grr... It gets more boring as the weeks pass. Thank goodness I have Kaj there. He's good company. I'm in class now and I take my seat.

Kaj: "Hey mate, good morning?"

"Yeah. Same old same old."

Kaj: "Well that's good. I hear you been avoiding my best mate."

"I've been busy that's all."

Kaj: "I see; if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here mate."


Class goes by slowly as usual. Teacher is still boring. Why is the time going by so slowly?

After Class..

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