Chapter 7

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[Hannah's POV]

Phoenix: "Hannah Bear, we need to talk."

"Sure, Hun. What's up?"

Phoenix: "I need to know..."


Phoenix: "I need to know if you like Nick?"

"What?! You're crazy. Babe, he's totally into you!"

Phoenix: How do you know?"

"For instance, he couldn't stop looking at you during dinner. Didn't you notice when he blushed for a sec.?"

Feenie Bear looks at me with a confused expression.

"Ugh! You idiot! You're so blind! Open your eyes my darling friend."

Phoenix: "Okay! I'll look for those traits the next time I speak to him."

"Okay darling. Pay attention, please."

He glares at me but I don't care. What a silly boy. He needs to ask Nick out before some other hotty snatches him up. My best friend is a Love Idiot. Haha

After a bit, Feenie Bear left for class. I need something to do. Hmm... I'm craving a Vanilla Bean Frappucino. That is definitely what I need right now. I grab my bag and head out. Oh my Gosh! Thank goodness I was smart enough to rent a car. Otherwise I don't know what I would do. Hmm... I'd like some food too. Maybe I'll try some Perri Perri Chicken from Nando's. I have heard so much of that place and heard how it's so delicious there. Well, I'll be the judge of that. 

I've arrived at Nando's safely. Thank God for GPS. Haha It seems to be a nice place. Smells like it has great food.

Hostess: "Miss, will it only be you today?" (Smiles)

"Yes. Just me."

Hostess: "Okay, follow me."

She takes me to a booth near the center of the restaurant. It is a very nice spot. 

Hostess: "Here is your menu and a waiter will be with you shortly."

I thank her and start skimming through the menu. Well, I came for the Perri Perri Chicken. I'll order that and a Medium Sprite. 

Yay! The waitress is finally here. I gave her my order and waited patiently for her to come back with my drink and food.

After lunch...

The food is delicious there. I'm definitely telling all my friends to eat at Nando's when they come to visit England. Where should I go now. Maybe I'll do some shopping in the mall or go to a small shop. I don't know yet. 

Okay, I'm going to the mall. There's everything there ,right...

Ooo... Chanel. A bag or some shoes will totally do. So much merchandise here. Funsies. I really like it here. I wish Feenie Bear was here to tell me what I should or shouldn't buy. He's always right about these things. I buy tons of things I will never wear. I'm such a shopaholic; I need help. Not! I love this addiction. Haha I'm so wierd, huh. Oh well. 

I decided on a black bag and red shoes. Nice... Mom would be so excited to be shopping here with me. Aww... my mommy. Miss her so much. I can't forget to call her today; she'll hurt me if I don't. 

I continued walking and shopping throughout different stores. I bought a couple skirts, blouses, shoes, handbags. Yes, more than one handbag. Don't judge me. I'm heading back to the dorm. So tired; I had a long days work. Haha Work... Ha! 

Back at the dorm...

Yay! Feenie Bear will be back soon. Doesn't Nick have a game today. I have to convince Phoenix to go; that grump. Needs to loosen up; he's so uptight lately. Grr... He needs to see hotties in short shorts and sexy legs to go with them. 

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