Chapter 18

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Picture of Renly  (Zac Efron) -------------->

Dinner at Nando's (Famous Restaurant in the UK)...

[Phoenix's POV]

Why is Hannah acting so weird tonight? That's not like her to stay quiet. She always gives life to a party. Hmm...

(Leans over to Hannah and whispers in her ear.)

"Hun, are you alright?"

Hannah: "Yes, just a bit overwhelmed because I hadn't seen my parents for a few months."

"Oh, okay."

Hmm... She's definintely acting weird. I wish I knew what she was thinking. 

(Turns to Nick and whispers in his ear.)

 "Something is wrong with Hannah. She has barely spoken tonight. That's not her." (Frowns)

Nick: "She's probably just a bit tired."

Yum. This chicken is delicious. She's definitely hiding something. Did she have an arguement with Kaj?

[Hannah's POV]

Oh my God! He keeps winking at me and smiling like if he didn't do anything. What a jerk. I really can't stand Renly. I used to think he was my friend. I was definitely wrong. I think I am going to barf. 

Michael (Hannah's Father): "I think we'll be heading back to the hotel."

Geraldine (Phoenix's Mom): "Us too. Extremely tired." (Goes over to kiss Phoenix on the forehead.) "Good night darling."

Phoenix: "Night mom." (Smiles)

Back at the Dorms...

[Hannah's POV]

I could barely touch my food. It was so hard to eat with Renly staring at me like that. I wish I could tell Phoenix, but how?

(Sitting up in bed and faces Phoenix.)


Phoenix: "Yes?"

"You will love me no matter what?"

Phoenix: "Of course."

"What if I've been keeping a huge secret from you?"

Phoenix: "What are you hiding?"

"Oh nothing major."

Phoenix: "You're not going to tell me are you?" (Frowns)

"Night my love."


The Next Morning...

[Hannah's POV]

Ugh. I'm late for first period. (Near classroom) Oh my God! Renly is here. How did he know I'd be in this class?

(Renly grabs Hannah's arms and pulls himself close to her.)

Renly: "You ready to get my loving?" (Smirks)

 (Pushes Renly back.) "Of course not loser. Why don't you go back to the hotel and leave me alone."

Renly: "I would but I rather spend time with you." (Smiles)

"Whatever." (Turns around and goes inside 1st period class.)

(Whispers) Renly: "See you later sweetheart." (Smiles)

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