Chapter Three

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Ashley's POV:

I found a park close by and decided to walk over there with my small, black suitcase. I sat down on one of the park benches and sat there thinking on where I could go. I kept thinking about Harry. That I should call him and ask him if I could stay for a bit.But, he was in a boy band and super busy.I guess I'm living like hobo. 

You know what.It doesn't hurt to call and ask.And he's probably wondering why I haven't kept in touch with him for awhile now like I promised.There goes another promise I've broken.But, everyone has broken one,right?

I took my phone out of my pocket and went through my contacts until I reached Harry's. I stared at it for about 5 minutes.I didn't know if I should or not.It was too much to ask for.He would probably say no.

Just do it,Ashley!It won't hurt you!, I thought. I clicked the send button and put it up to my ear.

RING.Stay strong.RING. Ashley, keep next to your ear.RING. He's going to answer.RING. Just hang up.You're too afraid.RING

Harry's POV:

My phone started to ring.I looked at my caller ID and it said Ashley. I started panicking because I would never think she would call.Then, I froze. I didn't know what to do.Should I answer?Should I ignore it?I opened my phone and pressed the talk button.

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this Harry?" She sounded like she's been crying awhile.

"Yes, is this Ashley?" I chuckled.

"Yeah..Uhmm, Harry..I know we haven't talked for a long time and you would probably say no, but..."She sounded nervous.I just wanted to be by her side and wrap my arms around her.

"What?Is there something wrong?What happened?You sound like your hurt." I think I was about to cry.

"Can I stay with you?"She ignored the rest of my questions.But, I was shocked at the question and happy at the same time.

Ashley's POV: 

"Harry?Hello?Are you there?" I think he was shocked that I asked him about staying with him.I wante dto just hang up, so I would stop embarrasing myself.

"Erm, yeah.I'm here.What'd you ask me?Sorry, I zoned out."He was lying.

"Nevermind.I should go."I was about to cry, because this was my only chance of getting away.

"Ashley, wait.Where are you?" Wow.I guess he feels bad.

"It's fine Harry.I'm sorry for asking." Why did I just say that?

"Where are you?You can stay.It's fine.Just let me pick you up." 

"Err, I'm at Central Park." 

"You're closer than I thought.That's good.Well, I'll be there in 5 minutes.After, I pick up Niall's food from Nando's."

"Harry, Thanks.You don't know how much this means to me." I said.It really did mean a lot because with out him, I would still be at my abusive boyfriend's house.

"Anytime.Bye." He hung up the phone.

I sat there on the park bench waiting for him to come pick me up.I still couldn't believe he's letting me stay.It's been so long since we've talked.And I never kept in touch with him like I said I would.I guess he cares.

I heard a familiar voice come up behind me and grab my shoulders.I was scared.


Hope you guys like it! I know it's not that long, but I wanted to leave you guys kind of on a cliff hanger.

Who do you guys think it is? Harry? Or Tyler?


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