Chapter Fifteen

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Here's FIFTEEN. WOO. This is one of my favorite chapters. 

I hope you guys love it as much as I do.c:

1.4K reads for SIXTEEN.


Ashley's POV:

Now I was in Harry's room trying to think of a way to get out of here. I didn't want to be here. I needed to leave. All I'm doing, is splitting up the band. I'm making Harry antisocial with the other boys and making him hurt. I can't do this anymore.

"Harry. Let. Me. Leave. Now." I said threw gritted teeth. He basically dragged me up here with out my permission. I hate to be picked up and that's exactly what he did and it just made me angrier.

"No. Not until I know why you want to leave." I had to think of something. But, whatever lie I would think of, I picture Harry hurting me.I had to think of something fast. He was giving me the stare down, and I was about to break at any moment.

"Uh..Uh...I...Be..I don't know." I managed to say.

"Stop lying. You know I hate it when people lie." His eyes started to turn dark and lust.

"Because I want to." Oops. Another lie.

"Would you stop lying already! Just say it." He was yelling and it made me flinch. 

"Because! Just leave me alone, alright? I told you this before." I stood up for the door and barely opened the door because right away, his smooth hand pushed it closed, not letting me leave.

"You know, you look cute when you're angry." I rolled my eyes at his comment. It was rude.

"Fuck you, Harry." I glared at him.

"Gladly. Just tell me when and where." He winked and I couldn't take it. It disgusted me. He couldn't take anything seriously.

"Never going to happen, Styles. Keep dreaming." He let out a chuckle.

"It will. Don't worry. " That's it. I lifted my knee and kneed him in the groin. I watched him slowly slide down the door holding his hands there in pain. I couldn't just leave him there, I had to do something. Something is wrong with me.

"Owwww." He groaned in pain. 

"I'm so sorry, Harry. Oh my god."I started to panic. 

"Fucking Ashley. The fuck was that for." My gears changed back to what happened a few minutes ago.

"Maybe if you take things seriously, I wouldn't have done that." He was still in pain. I didn't realize I kicked him that hard. It must have hurt worse than the shoe that hit him there at a concert.

"That's how I am. God damn." He was pissed, but surprisingly, he held in his anger.

"I know, Harry. I'm sorry. Here, let me help you up." I held out my hand for him to take. When he took my hand, I felt sparks all over my body. I took him towards his bed.

"Well, I'm going to go and check on Zayn." He nodded.

"Ashley, come back up here when you're done." I gave him a soft nod and went downstairs to see Zayn confused on what happened.

"Hey, Ash. What happened?" I didn't really want to explain what happened, but I knew I had to.

"Harry p-punched you." I saw Zayn's jaw tense up. I held my hands up to his firm chest before he could do something to Harry.

"Why?! I didn't do a fucking thing." He seriously didn't remember.

"He saw us watching a movie together." His facial expression went from angry to upset.

"Oh..Okay." With that, he left up into his room. Well, okay then.

I remembered that I had to go back to Harry. I made my way up the stairs and into his bedroom. He was laying there on his back, staring at the ceiling. When he noticed me in his room, he gave me a cheeky smile.

"Soo...why did you want me back up here?" I said emphasizing the 'o'.

He stood up from the bed, pulling the covers off of him and to the side. He slowly made his way over to me. His emerald green eyes were sparkling. My sparks were going off, left and right. His body was soon a millimeter away from mine.

"Harry..wh-what are y-you doing?" I was stuttering like crazy because of how fast my heart was beating.

"Showing you why I wanted you to come back up here." He came in, closer and closer. He took my hand and held it into his. My heart was going crazy. I just felt so safe with him.

"Ashley?" He interrupted the silence.

"Hmm?" I mumbled. I couldn't manage to say words with out making a fool out of myself.

"I love you." My heart fluttered. His voice sounded so, perfect when he said it. I felt like I was in the movies.

"I love you,too." I said, with out control. He was shocked at first, but pulled me closer to him with a smirk. His arms around my waist, tightly. With instinct, I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his curls. A saw a smile curl on his lips and on mine too.

"Do you really?" He looked unsure, so I nodded.

"I really do, Harry." I saw a big grin form onto his face, going ear to ear. I couldn't help but smile and look down, from blushing.

I felt my head being cupped and lifted, meeting those big green eyes I fell for. He kept leaning in closer and closer, making my heart skip a beat. He looked at my lips, and met with my eyes once again. He closed his eyes, and thought I should too. I felt his lips brush mine and disappear. My heart dropped, but came back alive when I felt his lips smash onto mine. Sparks were going everywhere. I felt like we were the only people on the planet. Sounds cheesy, but it's true. 

Our lips moved in sync. He brushed my bottom lip with his tongue asking for entry. I let him in and our tongues danced together. We pulled away and took a breath before doing this all over again. I couldn't help but smile during the kiss. I just couldn't believe this was real. 

"Harry..Is this real?" He laughed at what I said.

"Yes, love. It is." I smiled.I hugged him tighter, making my head nuzzled into his chest. Since, he was much taller than me.

"So, does this mean...we're a thing?" He asked me, and honestly, I don't know.

"I don't know...I mean, when you get angry, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. It's something I'll have to think about. And plus, what if we don't last? I don't want to get hurt." I admited.

"Babe, I will never hurt you. I'll always love you." His deep raspy voice spoke while pulling me into a tight hug.

I could stay in those hugs forever.But, that was impossible.

"I'll always love you, too." I blurted out before I could stop myself. My cheeks turned bright crimson red and I kept my head down. I was still hugging him. It was perfect. It felt so right.

I'll never forget this day.


Hope you guys liked that chapter. I gave you some Hashley there. 


This chapter is one of my favorites so far. Gah!

1.4K reads = SIXTEEN.

xoxo, Madisyn. 

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