Chapter Fourteen

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Here's FOURTEEN. I gave you guys a Zayn POV, because he hasn't talked for a while. 

Anywhore, enjoy this chapie my kittens.>.<

1.250 reads, FIFTEEN.




Zayn's POV:

I heard what sounded like Harry's door slam down the hall. That bitch will die for ruining my sleep.But, it didn't sound like his voice and it wasn't loud like he usually is. I decided to get my lazy ass up and see what the hell was going on. I approached his bedroom door and knocked. I didn't get an answer, so I just flew the door open.

"Harry?The fuck is going on?" He had his face buried into his pillow.

"Oh, now you care. Just get the fuck away from me Zayn." His voice sounded scratchy, probably from crying. What a weakling. 

"Haz, you're still my best mate. Now c'mon. Tell Zaynie what's going on." I ruffled up his curls.

"Fine. It's Ashley." I sighed. I figured that much. They always fight, and it gets me and the other boys annoyed. She's tearing him apart. Or the other way around.

"What happened now?" I sighed and shifted around on the bed to get comfortable because I knew this was going to be a while.

"Well, she got pissed at me for asking her if she liked me." I noticed his fists clenching.

"And, why do you think that?" I tried to say smoothly to calm him down.

"I don't know. She just asked me why can't I drop the subject and then not to talk to her anymore. Zayn, I just don't know what to do. " Damn. He was in love with her. I've never seen him this upset about a girl before. I pulled him into a hug. Not like in a gay way, but as best friends.

"Just give her time, Hazz. She'll start talking to you again. You can hang with me and the boys again. Like old times." I gave him a big smile and he chuckled. Knowing that I made that boy laugh, felt good. I hate seeing any of the boys upset.

"I'm going to go back to bed. Night, Harry." I stood up and closed the bedroom door. If Ashley left Harry's room, where would she be?

I decided to go find out where she is. I quietly went downstairs, making sure not to wake anyone. Approaching the living room, I saw a shaking, small, petite figure on the couch. It was Ashley. I can't believe she would sleep down here. It's always cold. I sat down on the couch and pulled her against me, wrapping my arms around her to keep her warm.Soon, she stopped shaking and started to move around, probably waking up.

"Harry?" I laughed at her. It was cute at how she thought of Harry right away.But, it made me upset.Realizing that she didn't have feelings for me anymore.

"No, silly. It's Zayn." She looked up at me. Her pierce blue eyes were addicting.

"Oh..Good." At first I was confused, but then I remember what Harry told me.

"Say, why don't we watch a movie?" I gave her smile and she nodded.

I grabbed the remote from the table next to me and went on demand. I let her chose whatever movie she wanted. We ended up with Mean Girls. I hate that movie, but to make her happy, it won't hurt. She nuzzled up onto my chest and butterflies flew around happily. I didn't like it. I couldn't be like this. Ashley is Harry's girl. I can't do this to him.

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